decision1S {RBesT}R Documentation

Decision Function for 1 Sample Designs


The function sets up a 1 sample one-sided decision function with an arbitrary number of conditions.


decision1S(pc = 0.975, qc = 0, lower.tail = TRUE)

oc1Sdecision(pc = 0.975, qc = 0, lower.tail = TRUE)



Vector of critical cumulative probabilities.


Vector of respective critical values. Must match the length of pc.


Logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P(Xx)P(X \leq x), otherwise, P(X>x)P(X > x).


The function creates a one-sided decision function which takes two arguments. The first argument is expected to be a mixture (posterior) distribution. This distribution is tested whether it fulfills all the required threshold conditions specified with the pc and qc arguments and returns 1 if all conditions are met and 0 otherwise. Hence, for lower.tail=TRUE condition ii is equivalent to

P(θqc,i)>pc,iP(\theta \leq q_{c,i}) > p_{c,i}

and the decision function is implemented as indicator function on the basis of the heavy-side step function H(x)H(x) which is 00 for x0x \leq 0 and 11 for x>0x > 0. As all conditions must be met, the final indicator function returns

ΠiHi(P(θqc,i)pc,i).\Pi_i H_i(P(\theta \leq q_{c,i}) - p_{c,i} ).

When the second argument is set to TRUE a distance metric is returned component-wise per defined condition as

Di=log(P(θ<qc,i))log(pc,i). D_i = \log(P(\theta < q_{c,i})) - \log(p_{c,i}) .

These indicator functions can be used as input for 1-sample boundary, OC or PoS calculations using oc1S or pos1S .


The function returns a decision function which takes two arguments. The first argument is expected to be a mixture (posterior) distribution which is tested if the specified conditions are met. The logical second argument determines if the function acts as an indicator function or if the function returns the distance from the decision boundary for each condition in log-space, i.e. the distance is 0 at the decision boundary, negative for a 0 decision and positive for a 1 decision.



Neuenschwander B, Rouyrre N, Hollaender H, Zuber E, Branson M. A proof of concept phase II non-inferiority criterion. Stat. in Med.. 2011, 30:1618-1627

See Also

Other design1S: decision1S_boundary(), oc1S(), pos1S()


# see Neuenschwander et al., 2011

# example is for a time-to-event trial evaluating non-inferiority
# using a normal approximation for the log-hazard ratio

# reference scale
s <- 2
theta_ni <- 0.4
theta_a <- 0
alpha <- 0.05
beta  <- 0.2
za <- qnorm(1-alpha)
zb <- qnorm(1-beta)
n1 <- round( (s * (za + zb)/(theta_ni - theta_a))^2 )  # n for which design was intended
nL <- 233
c1 <- theta_ni - za * s / sqrt(n1)

# flat prior
flat_prior <- mixnorm(c(1,0,100), sigma=s)

# standard NI design
decA <- decision1S(1 - alpha, theta_ni, lower.tail=TRUE)

# for double criterion with indecision point (mean estimate must be
# lower than this)
theta_c <- c1

# double criterion design
# statistical significance (like NI design)
dec1 <- decision1S(1-alpha, theta_ni, lower.tail=TRUE)
# require mean to be at least as good as theta_c
dec2 <- decision1S(0.5, theta_c, lower.tail=TRUE)
# combination
decComb <- decision1S(c(1-alpha, 0.5), c(theta_ni, theta_c), lower.tail=TRUE)

theta_eval  <- c(theta_a, theta_c, theta_ni)

# we can display the decision function definition

# and use it to decide if a given distribution fulfills all
# criterions defined
# for the prior
# or for a possible outcome of the trial
# here with HR of 0.8 for 40 events
decComb(postmix(flat_prior, m=log(0.8), n=40))

[Package RBesT version 1.7-3 Index]