randomization.test {RATest}R Documentation

General Construction of Randomization Tests


Calculates the randomization test. Further discussion can be found in chapter 15 of Lehmann and Romano (2005, p 633). Consider data XX taking values in a sample space Ω\Omega. Let G\mathbf{G} be a finite group of transformations from Ω\Omega onto itself, with M=GM=\vert \mathbf{G}\vert. Let T(X)T(X) be a real-valued test statistic such that large values provide evidence against the null hypothesis. Denote by

T(1)(X)T(2)(X)T(M)(X)T^{(1)}(X)\le T^{(2)}(X)\le\dots\le T^{(M)}(X)

the ordered values of {T(gX):gG}\{T(gX)\,:\,g\in\mathbf{G}\}. Let k=MMαk=M-\lfloor M\alpha\rfloor and define M+(x)M^{+}(x) and M0(x)M^{0}(x) be the number of values T(j)(X)T^{(j)}(X), j=1,,Mj=1,\dots,M, which are greater than T(k)(X)T^{(k)}(X) and equal to T(k)(X)T^{(k)}(X) respectively. Set

a(X)=αMM+(X)M0(X) .a(X)=\frac{\alpha M-M^{+}(X)}{M^{0}(X)}~.

The randomization test is given by

ϕ(X)=1{T(x)>T(k)(X)}+a(X)×1{T(X)=T(k)(X)} .\phi(X)=1\{T(x)> T^{(k)}(X)\}+a(X)\times 1\{T(X)= T^{(k)}(X)\}~.


randomization.test(Tn, Tng, alpha = 0.05)



Numeric. A scalar representing the observed test statistic T(X)T(X).


Numeric. A vector containing {T(gX):gG}\{T(gX)\,:\,g\in\mathbf{G}\}.


Numeric. Nominal level for the test. The default is 0.05.


Numeric. A vector containing ϕ(X){0,1}\phi(X)\in\{0,1\} and T(k)(X)T^{(k)}(X). The test rejects the null hypothesis if ϕ(X)=1\phi(X)=1, and does not reject otherwise.


Maurcio Olivares

Ignacio Sarmiento Barbieri


Lehmann, Erich L. and Romano, Joseph P (2005) Testing statistical hypotheses.Springer Science & Business Media.

[Package RATest version 0.1.10 Index]