power_comparison_Power_vs_n_GAUSSIAN {RARfreq}R Documentation

Comparison of Powers for Different Tests under Different DBCD Randomization Methods (Gaussian Responses)


Compares the power of tests under different sample sizes for the same treatment effects and design through matrices and plots.


power_comparison_Power_vs_n_GAUSSIAN(n_seq, nstart_seq, mu, sd,
nstop_mat, replication, group_allo, rho_func_index, rho_func, alpha,



A sequence of numbers of patients. The default is c(50, 100, 150, 200).


burn-in sample size of each arm. If NULL, n_seq/20 will be used.


A vector of mean response for each treatment arm (where the first element refers to the control arm). The length of mu should correspond to the number of arms. The default is mu = c(4.5,5).


A vector of response standard deviations for each treatment arm. (where the first element refers to the control arm). The length of sd should correspond to the number of arms. The default is sd = c(1.32, 0.72).


A matrix of sample size stopping caps for each arm. Each row corresponds to each n in n_seq, and each column represents each arm. The trial stops if at least one arm reaches the corresponding cap. The default is NULL, which means no cap.


the number of replications of the simulation. The default is 100.


A number or a vector of group size(s) for allocation. If a number is given, the allocation ratios will be updated for each batch of group_allo samples. If a vector is given, the allocation ratios will be updated sequentially in group according to the vector. The group_allo will be applied to all n (from each n_seq). Any value greater than n will be omitted. The default is group_allo=1, which is the same as group_allo = seq(nstart*length(p)+1,n).


Supply a number of 1 or 2 indicting the allocation function to use. 1 = Zhang-Rosenberger allocation; 2 (default) = Neyman allocation.


Supply a user-specified allocation function of Mean_RK and SD_RK when rho_func_index is NULL. Default is NULL.


Supply a number indicating the subscripts of the probability function. The default is 2.


Significant level. The default is 0.05.


'power_comparison_Power_vs_n_GAUSSIAN' reads different sample sizes as well as the corresponding burn-in size and outputs allocation, estimated rates and powers.



## Default setting
n_seq = seq(from = 50, to = 200, by = 50),
nstart_seq = round(seq(from = 50, to = 200, by = 50) / 20),
mu = c(4.5,5),
sd = c(1.32,0.72),
nstop_mat = NULL,
replication = 5,
group_allo = 1,
rho_func_index = 2,
rho_func = NULL,
alpha = 2,
sig_level = 0.05

[Package RARfreq version 0.1.5 Index]