y |
A n×1 vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
Ws |
A list of low rank matrices (ZW; n×k matrix). This forms linear kernel ZKZ′=ZWΓ(ZW)′ .
For example, Ws = list(A.part = ZW.A, D.part = ZW.D)
Gammas |
A list of matrices for weighting SNPs (Gamma; k×k matrix). This forms linear kernel ZKZ′=ZWΓ(ZW)′ .
For example, if there is no weighting, Gammas = lapply(Ws, function(x) diag(ncol(x)))
gammas.diag |
If each Gamma is the diagonal matrix, please set this argument TRUE. The calculation time can be saved.
Gu |
A n×n matrix. You should assign ZKZ′ , where K is covariance (relationship) matrix and Z is its design matrix.
Ge |
A n×n matrix. You should assign identity matrix I (diag(n)).
P0 |
A n×n matrix. The Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of SV0S , where S=X(X′X)−1X′ and
V0=σu2Gu+σe2Ge . σu2 and σe2 are estimators of the null model.
chi0.mixture |
RAINBOW assumes the statistic l1′Fl1 follows the mixture of χ02 and χr2 ,
where l1 is the first derivative of the log-likelihood and F is the Fisher information. And r is the degree of freedom.
chi0.mixture determins the proportion of χ02