Report Functions to Create HTML and PDF Files

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Documentation for package ‘R3port’ version 0.2.5

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R3port-package Report functions for HTML and PDF files
freq Calculate frequency statistics on data frame
html_combine Combines multiple HTML files to a single tex and compiles document
html_doc Prints a HTML table, listing or plot to a a file or console
html_list Creates a HTML listing
html_plot Prints a R plot to a HTML file or console
html_table Creates a HTML table
html_table_design Designs a table based on a object returned by the table_prep function
ltx_combine Combines multiple latex files to a single tex and compiles document
ltx_doc Prints latex code for a table, listing, plot, or text to a a file or console
ltx_list Creates a latex listing
ltx_plot Prints a R plot to a latex file or console
ltx_table Creates a latex table
ltx_table_design Designs a table based on a object returned by the table_prep function
means Calculate summary statistics on a data frame
R3port Report functions for HTML and PDF files
table_prep Prepares the data for pivotal tabulation