Package {R.oo} | R Documentation |
The Package class provides methods for accessing package information
Package: R.oo
Class Package
Directly known subclasses:
public class Package
extends Object
Creates a Package that can be thrown and caught. The Package
class is the root class of all other Package
name |
Name of the package. |
Fields and Methods
as.character | Gets a string representation of this package. | |
getAuthor | Gets the Author of this package. | |
getBundle | Gets the Bundle that this package might belong to. | |
getBundlePackages | Gets the names of the other packages that is in the same bundle as this package. | |
getChangeLog | Gets the change log of this package. | |
getClasses | Gets all classes of a package. | |
getContents | Gets the contents of this package. | |
getContribUrl | Gets the URL(s) from where this package can be installed. | |
getDataPath | Gets the path to the data (data/) directory of this package. | |
getDate | Gets the date when package was build. | |
getDescription | Gets the description of the package. | |
getDescriptionFile | Gets the description file of this package. | |
getDevelUrl | Gets the URL(s) from where the developers version of this package can be installed. | |
getDocPath | Gets the path to the accompanying documentation (doc/) directory of this package. | |
getEnvironment | Gets the environment of a loaded package. | |
getExamplePath | Gets the path to the example (R-ex/) directory of this package. | |
getHistory | - | |
getHowToCite | Gets the citation of this package. | |
getLicense | Gets the License of this package. | |
getMaintainer | Gets the Maintainer of this package. | |
getName | Gets the name of this package. | |
getNews | - | |
getPath | Gets the library (system) path to this package. | |
getPosition | Gets the search path position of the package. | |
getTitle | Gets the Title of this package. | |
getUrl | Gets the URL of this package. | |
getVersion | Gets the version of this package. | |
isLoaded | Checks if the package is installed on the search path or not. | |
isOlderThan | Checks if the package is older than a given version. | |
ll | Generates a list of informative properties of all members of the package. | |
load | Loads a package. | |
showChangeLog | Show the change log of this package. | |
showContents | Show the CONTENTS file of this package. | |
showDescriptionFile | Show the DESCRIPTION file of this package. | |
showHistory | - | |
showHowToCite | Show the HOWTOCITE file of this package. | |
showNews | - | |
startupMessage | Generates a 'package successfully loaded' package startup message. | |
unload | Unloads a package. | |
Methods inherited from Object:
$, $<-, [[, [[<-, as.character, attach, attachLocally, clearCache, clearLookupCache, clone, detach, equals, extend, finalize, getEnvironment, getFieldModifier, getFieldModifiers, getFields, getInstantiationTime, getStaticInstance, hasField, hashCode, ll, load, names, objectSize, print, save
Henrik Bengtsson
## Not run: # By defining .onAttach() as follows in zzz.R for a package, an
# instance of class Package with the same name as the package will
# be made available on the search path. More over, the code below
# will also inform the user that the package has been loaded:
# > library(R.oo)
# R.oo v0.52 (2003/04/13) was successfully loaded.
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
pkg <- Package(pkgname)
assign(pkgname, pkg, pos=getPosition(pkg))
cat(getName(pkg), " v", getVersion(pkg), " (", getDate(pkg), ")",
" was successfully loaded.\n", sep="")
# The Package class works for any packages, loaded or not.
# Some information about the base package
pkg <- Package("base")
# [1] "Package: base v3.6.2 is loaded (pos=14). Title: The R Base Package.
# The official webpage is NA and the maintainer is R Core Team <R-core@
#>. The package is installed in /usr/lib/R/library/base/.
# License: Part of R 3.6.2. Description: Base R functions. Type
# showNews(base) for package history, and ?base for help."
# Some information about the R.oo package
# [1] "Package: R.oo v1.23.0-9000 . Title: R Object-Oriented Programming
# with or without References. The official webpage is
# HenrikBengtsson/R.oo and the maintainer is Henrik Bengtsson. The package
# is installed in /home/alice/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6/R.oo/.
# License: LGPL (>= 2.1). Description: Methods and classes for object-
# oriented programming in R with or without references. Large effort has
# been made on making definition of methods as simple as possible with a
# minimum of maintenance for package developers. The package has been
# developed since 2001 and is now considered very stable. This is a
# cross-platform package implemented in pure R that defines standard S3
# classes without any tricks. Type showNews(R.oo) for package history,
# and ?R.oo for help."
## End(Not run)
[Package R.oo version 1.26.0 Index]