Package {R.oo}R Documentation

The Package class provides methods for accessing package information


Package: R.oo
Class Package


Directly known subclasses:

public class Package
extends Object

Creates a Package that can be thrown and caught. The Package class is the root class of all other Package classes.





Name of the package.

Fields and Methods


as.character Gets a string representation of this package.
getAuthor Gets the Author of this package.
getBundle Gets the Bundle that this package might belong to.
getBundlePackages Gets the names of the other packages that is in the same bundle as this package.
getChangeLog Gets the change log of this package.
getClasses Gets all classes of a package.
getContents Gets the contents of this package.
getContribUrl Gets the URL(s) from where this package can be installed.
getDataPath Gets the path to the data (data/) directory of this package.
getDate Gets the date when package was build.
getDescription Gets the description of the package.
getDescriptionFile Gets the description file of this package.
getDevelUrl Gets the URL(s) from where the developers version of this package can be installed.
getDocPath Gets the path to the accompanying documentation (doc/) directory of this package.
getEnvironment Gets the environment of a loaded package.
getExamplePath Gets the path to the example (R-ex/) directory of this package.
getHistory -
getHowToCite Gets the citation of this package.
getLicense Gets the License of this package.
getMaintainer Gets the Maintainer of this package.
getName Gets the name of this package.
getNews -
getPath Gets the library (system) path to this package.
getPosition Gets the search path position of the package.
getTitle Gets the Title of this package.
getUrl Gets the URL of this package.
getVersion Gets the version of this package.
isLoaded Checks if the package is installed on the search path or not.
isOlderThan Checks if the package is older than a given version.
ll Generates a list of informative properties of all members of the package.
load Loads a package.
showChangeLog Show the change log of this package.
showContents Show the CONTENTS file of this package.
showDescriptionFile Show the DESCRIPTION file of this package.
showHistory -
showHowToCite Show the HOWTOCITE file of this package.
showNews -
startupMessage Generates a 'package successfully loaded' package startup message.
unload Unloads a package.

Methods inherited from Object:
$, $<-, [[, [[<-, as.character, attach, attachLocally, clearCache, clearLookupCache, clone, detach, equals, extend, finalize, getEnvironment, getFieldModifier, getFieldModifiers, getFields, getInstantiationTime, getStaticInstance, hasField, hashCode, ll, load, names, objectSize, print, save


Henrik Bengtsson


## Not run: # By defining .onAttach() as follows in zzz.R for a package, an
# instance of class Package with the same name as the package will
# be made available on the search path. More over, the code below
# will also inform the user that the package has been loaded:
#  > library(R.oo)
#  R.oo v0.52 (2003/04/13) was successfully loaded.
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  pkg <- Package(pkgname)
  assign(pkgname, pkg, pos=getPosition(pkg))
  cat(getName(pkg), " v", getVersion(pkg), " (", getDate(pkg), ")",
    " was successfully loaded.\n", sep="")

# The Package class works for any packages, loaded or not.

# Some information about the base package
pkg <- Package("base")
# [1] "Package: base v3.6.2 is loaded (pos=14).  Title: The R Base Package.
# The official webpage is NA and the maintainer is R Core Team <R-core@
#>.  The package is installed in /usr/lib/R/library/base/.
# License: Part of R 3.6.2.  Description: Base R functions.  Type
# showNews(base) for package history, and ?base for help."

# Some information about the R.oo package
# [1] "Package: R.oo v1.23.0-9000 .  Title: R Object-Oriented Programming
# with or without References.  The official webpage is
# HenrikBengtsson/R.oo and the maintainer is Henrik Bengtsson.  The package
# is installed in /home/alice/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6/R.oo/.
# License: LGPL (>= 2.1).  Description: Methods and classes for object-
# oriented programming in R with or without references.  Large effort has
# been made on making definition of methods as simple as possible with a
# minimum of maintenance for package developers.  The package has been
# developed since 2001 and is now considered very stable.  This is a
# cross-platform package implemented in pure R that defines standard S3
# classes without any tricks.  Type showNews(R.oo) for package history,
# and ?R.oo for help."

## End(Not run)

[Package R.oo version 1.26.0 Index]