GenericDataFile {R.filesets}R Documentation

The abstract GenericDataFile class


Package: R.filesets
Class GenericDataFile


Directly known subclasses:
ChecksumFile, GenericTabularFile, RDataFile, RdsFile, TabularTextFile

public abstract static class GenericDataFile
extends FullNameInterface

A GenericDataFile is an object referring to a data file on a file system. Note that this class is abstract and can not be instantiated, but instead you have to use one of the subclasses or the generic *fromFile() method.


GenericDataFile(filename=NULL, path=NULL, mustExist=!, ...,
  .onUnknownArgs=c("error", "warning", "ignore"))



The filename of the file.


An optional path to the file.


If TRUE, an exception is thrown if the file does not exists, otherwise not.


Not used.


A character string specifying what should occur if there are unknown arguments in ....

Fields and Methods


compareChecksum Compares the file checksum with the value of the checksum file.
equals Checks if a file equals another.
getChecksum Gets the checksum of a file.
getChecksumFile -
getExtension Gets the filename extension.
getFileSize Gets the size of a file.
getFileType Gets the file type of a file.
getFilename Gets the filename of the file.
getPath Gets the path (directory) of the file.
getPathname Gets the pathname of the file. -
isFile Checks if this is an existing file.
validateChecksum Asserts that the file checksum matches the one of the checksum file.
writeChecksum Write the file checksum to a checksum file.

Methods inherited from FullNameInterface:
appendFullNameTranslator, appendFullNameTranslatorByNULL, appendFullNameTranslatorByTabularTextFile, appendFullNameTranslatorByTabularTextFileSet, appendFullNameTranslatorBycharacter, appendFullNameTranslatorBydata.frame, appendFullNameTranslatorByfunction, appendFullNameTranslatorBylist, clearFullNameTranslator, clearListOfFullNameTranslators, getDefaultFullName, getFullName, getFullNameTranslator, getListOfFullNameTranslators, getName, getTags, hasTag, hasTags, resetFullName, setFullName, setFullNameTranslator, setListOfFullNameTranslators, setName, setTags, updateFullName

Methods inherited from Object:
$, $<-, [[, [[<-, as.character, attach, attachLocally, clearCache, clearLookupCache, clone, detach, equals, extend, finalize, getEnvironment, getFieldModifier, getFieldModifiers, getFields, getInstantiationTime, getStaticInstance, hasField, hashCode, ll, load, names, objectSize, print, save

Filename convention

The filename of an GenericDataFile is structured as follows:


: "sample001,a,b,c.CEL" (this follows the R convention, but not the Unix convention)


: "sample001,a,b,c"


: "sample001"


: c("a", "b", "c")


: "CEL"


Henrik Bengtsson

See Also

An object of this class is typically part of an GenericDataFileSet.

[Package R.filesets version 2.15.1 Index]