Unified Handling of Graphics Devices

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Documentation for package ‘R.devices’ version 2.17.2

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R.devices-package Package R.devices
architecture Get the architecture of an object or coerce it into another
as.architecture Get the architecture of an object or coerce it into another
asDataURI Methods for creating image files of a specific format
capturePlot Captures a plot such that it can be redrawn later/elsewhere
devDone Closes zero or more open devices except screen (interactive) devices
devDump Opens a new graphics device, evaluate (graphing) code, and closes device
devEval Opens a new graphics device, evaluate (graphing) code, and closes device
devGetLabel Gets the labels of zero or more devices
devIsInteractive Checks whether a device type is interactive or not
devIsOpen Checks if zero or more devices are open or not
devList Lists the indices of the open devices named by their labels
devNew Opens a new device
devOff Closes zero or more devices
devOptions Gets the default device options
devSet Activates a device
devSetLabel Sets the label of a device
getDevOption Gets the default device options
R.devices Package R.devices
suppressGraphics Opens a new graphics device, evaluate (graphing) code, and closes device
toBMP Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toCairoWin Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toCairoX11 Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toDefault Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toEMF Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toEPS Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toFavicon Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toNNN Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toNullDev Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toPDF Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toPNG Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toQuartz Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toRStudioGD Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toSVG Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toTIFF Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toWindows Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toWMF Methods for creating image files of a specific format
toX11 Methods for creating image files of a specific format
withPar Evaluate an R expression with graphical parameters set temporarily