Scales Score Calculation from Quality of Life Data

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Documentation for package ‘QoLMiss’ version 0.1.0

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brc_df Breast cancer Quality of Life.
brc_df_miss Breast cancer Quality of Life with missing values.
brc_qol Calculates the domain-based scale scores using the data of QLQ-BR23
c30_df Simulated data for cancer Quality of Life.
c30_df_miss Data for cancer Quality of Life with missing values.
hnc_df Head and Neck cancer Quality of Life data.
hnc_df_miss Head and Neck cancer data for cancer Quality of Life with missing values.
hnc_qol Calculates the domain-based scale scores using the data of QLQ-HN35
lc_df Simulated data for Lung cancer Quality of Life.
lc_df_miss Lung cancer data for cancer Quality of Life with missing values.
lc_qol Calculates the domain-based scale scores using the data of QLQ-LC13.
ovc_df Simulated data for Ovarian Cancer Quality of Life.
ovc_df_miss Ovarian cancer Quality of Life data with missing values.
ovc_qol Calculates the domain-based scale scores using the data of QLQ-OV28.
patient_miss Cancer Quality of Life data with missing values.
qol Calculates the domain-based scale scores using the data from Quality of Life questionnaire
qol_miss Cancer Quality of Life data analysis with missing values.
surv_br23 Dataset contains survival outcomes and quality of life for breast cancer patients
surv_c30 Dataset contains survival outcomes and quality of life for cancer patients
surv_c30_miss Dataset contains survival outcomes and quality of life for cancer patients with missing observation
surv_hn35 Dataset contains survival outcomes and quality of life for head and neck cancer patients
surv_lc13 Dataset contains survival outcomes and quality of life for lung cancer patients
surv_ov28 Dataset contains survival outcomes and quality of life for ovarian cancer patients
surv_thy34 Dataset contains survival outcomes and quality of life for thyroid cancer patients
thyc_df Thyroid cancer Quality of Life.
thyc_df_miss Thyroid cancer Quality of Life data with missing values.
thyc_qol Calculates the domain-based scale scores of Thyroid cancer using the data of QLQ-THY34