nlFRindex {Qindex}R Documentation

Nonlinear Functional Regression Indices


Functions explained in this documentation are,


to compute the non-linear functional regression indices based on the functional predictors.


to compute the predicted values based on functional regression indices model.


  xarg = as.double(colnames(X)),
  fit = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'nlFRindex'
predict(object, newdata, ...)



a two-sided formula.


is the name of the response yy. Supported types of responses are double, logical and Surv.


is the name of the tabulated double matrix XX of functional predictor values. Each row of XX represents the tabulated values for a subject. All rows/subjects are tabulated on a common grid xarg. Each column of XX represents the tabulated values at a point on the common grid for each subject.


data.frame, with the response yy and the tabulated functional predictor values XX specified in formula. If the functional predictor is the quantile function, then data is preferably the returned object of clusterQp().


numeric vector. The default argument comes from the column names of the matrix of tabulated functional predictor values XX. This is particularly convenient when the functional predictor is the quantile function, and data is the returned object of function clusterQp(). The user-provided xarg will be checked such that

  1. xarg is a numeric vector without missingness

  2. length of xarg is the same as the number of columns of matrix XX

  3. xarg must be strictly sorted (see is.unsorted)

Otherwise, an error message will be returned.




logical scalar, see gam


additional parameters, currently not in use


an nlFRindex object for the predict method, the returned object from function nlFRindex()


data.frame, with at least the tabulated functional predictor values XnewX^{new} based on object@formula


Functional regression indices & weights model

Function nlFRindex() fits a non-linear functional regression model to the response yy using the functional predictor XX, with values tabulated on a same grid xarg for all subjects (Cui et al, 2021).

Predict method for non-linear functional regression indices

Function predict.nlFRindex() computes non-linear functional regression indices based on the tabulated functional predictors XnewX^{new} in a new sets of subjects. It's important that the new tabulation grid must be exactly the same as the model tabulation grid object@xarg.


Functional regression indices & weights model

Function nlFRindex() returns an S4 nlFRindex object. The slots of S4 class nlFRindex are described in section Slots.

Predict method for non-linear functional regression indices

Function predict.nlFRindex() returns a double vector, which is the predicted non-linear functional regression indices.



see explanations in section Arguments


gam object


numeric scalar, pp-value for the test of significance of the functional predictor


double vector, functional regression indices.


Cui, E., Crainiceanu, C. M., & Leroux, A. (2021). Additive Functional Cox Model. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. doi:10.1080/10618600.2020.1853550


pt = unique(Ki67$PATIENT_ID)
length(pt) # 622
# set.seed if necessary
train_pt = sample(pt, size = 500L)
Ki67q = clusterQp(Marker ~ ., data = Ki67, exclude = c('tissueID','inner_x','inner_y'))
train_q = subset(Ki67q, PATIENT_ID %in% train_pt)
test_q = subset(Ki67q, !(PATIENT_ID %in% train_pt))
train_q$Marker = log1p(train_q$Marker)
test_q$Marker = log1p(test_q$Marker)

# using Cox model
m = nlFRindex(Surv(RECFREESURV_MO, RECURRENCE) ~ Marker, data = train_q)
m@p.value # test significance of `Marker` as a functional predictor
train_index = predict(m, newdata = train_q) # non-linear FR index of training data
# stopifnot(identical(train_index, m@index))
predict(m, newdata = test_q) # non-linear FR index of test data

# using logistic regression model
nlFRindex(RECURRENCE ~ Marker, data = train_q)

# using Gaussian model
nlFRindex(RECFREESURV_MO ~ Marker, data = train_q)

[Package Qindex version 0.1.5 Index]