aicVC |
AIC Model Selection |
blup |
Best Linear Unbiased Prediction |
cic |
Calculate Jacquard condensed identity coefficients |
eigen.sym |
Spectral decomposition of a matrix |
estVC |
Estimate Variance Component Parameters |
fv |
A collection of other functions. |
gdatF8 |
Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree. |
genMatrix |
Derive genetic matrices |
genoImpute |
Impute Genotypic Data |
genoPos |
A collection of other functions. |
genoProb |
Probability of a Genotype. |
genoSim |
Generate Genotypic Data |
gls |
Generalized Least Squares Estimates |
gmapF8 |
Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree. |
gmF8 |
Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree. |
gvar |
A collection of other functions. |
hapSim |
Generate Genotypic Data |
ibs |
Estimate Jacquard condensed identity coefficients |
kinship |
Calculate kinship coefficients |
lodci |
Estimate LOD Support Intervals |
mAIC |
Multiple QTL AIC |
Multiple QTL AIC |
miscEx |
Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree. |
nullSim |
Simulate null distribution |
pdatF8 |
Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree. |
pedF8 |
Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree. |
pedF8.1 |
Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree. |
pedF8.2 |
Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree. |
pedRecode |
Recode a Pedigree |
pkolm |
A collection of other functions. |
plot |
Plotting |
plot.scanOne |
Plotting |
plot.scanTwo |
Plotting |
plotit |
Plotting |
qkolm |
A collection of other functions. |
qqPlot |
Quantile-Quantile Plots |
qtl2rel |
Convert data from R/qtl to QTLRel format |
qtlVar |
QTL Variance |
rel2qtl |
Convert data from QTLRel to R/qtl format |
rem |
Random effect matrices |
scanOne |
Genome Scan for QTL |
scanTwo |
Genome Scan for Epistasis |