AHeVT {QRegVCM} | R Documentation |
AHe V(t)-approach
The adapted He (1997) approach considering a simple hetersocedastic varying-coefficient model, V(t).
AHeVT(VecX, times, subj, X, y, d, tau, kn, degree, lambda, gam)
VecX |
The representative values for each covariate used to estimate the desired conditional quantile curves. |
times |
The vector of time variable. |
subj |
The vector of subjects/individuals. |
X |
The covariate containing 1 as its first component (including intercept in the model) |
y |
The response vector. |
d |
The order of differencing operator for each covariate. |
tau |
The quantiles of interest. |
kn |
The number of knots for each covariate. |
degree |
The degree of B-spline basis for each covariate. |
lambda |
The grid of smoothing parameter to control the trade of between fidelity and penalty term (use a fine grid of lambda). |
gam |
The power used in estimating the smooting parameter for each covariate (e.g. gam=1 or gam=0.5). |
hat_bt50 |
The median coefficients estimators. |
hat_VT |
The variability estimator. |
C |
The estimators of the tau-th quantile of the estimated residuals. |
qhat |
The conditional quantile curves estimator. |
Some warning messages are related to the function rq.fit.sfn
Yudhie Andriyana
Andriyana, Y., Gijbels, I., and Verhasselt, A. P-splines quantile regression estimation in varying coefficient models. Test 23, 1 (2014a),153–194.
Andriyana, Y., Gijbels, I. and Verhasselt, A. (2014b). Quantile regression in varying coefficient models: non-crossingness and heteroscedasticity. Manuscript.
He, X. (1997). Quantile curves without crossing. The American Statistician, 51, 186–192.
See Also
PM10 = PM10[order(PM10$day,PM10$hour,decreasing=FALSE),]
y = PM10$PM10[1:200]
times = PM10$hour[1:200]
subj = PM10$day[1:200]
dim = length(y)
x0 = rep(1,200)
x1 = PM10$cars[1:200]
x2 = PM10$wind.speed[1:200]
X = cbind(x0, x1, x2)
VecX = c(1, max(x1), max(x2))
#### Input parameters ####
kn = c(10, 10, 10)
degree = c(3, 3, 3)
taus = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1)
lambdas = c(1,1.5,2)
d = c(1, 1, 1)
gam = 1/2
AHe = AHeVT(VecX=VecX, times=times, subj=subj, X=X, y=y, d=d, tau=taus,
kn=kn, degree=degree, lambda=lambdas, gam=gam)
hat_bt50 = AHe$hat_bt50
hat_VT = AHe$hat_Vt
C = AHe$C
qhat = AHe$qhat
qhat1 = qhat[,1]
qhat2 = qhat[,2]
qhat3 = qhat[,3]
qhat4 = qhat[,4]
qhat5 = qhat[,5]
qhat6 = qhat[,6]
qhat7 = qhat[,7]
qhat8 = qhat[,8]
qhat9 = qhat[,9]
hat_bt0 = hat_bt50[seq(1,dim)]
hat_bt1 = hat_bt50[seq((dim+1),(2*dim))]
hat_bt2 = hat_bt50[seq((2*dim+1),(3*dim))]
i = order(times, hat_VT, qhat1, qhat2, qhat3, qhat4, qhat5, qhat6, qhat7,
qhat8, qhat9, hat_bt0, hat_bt1, hat_bt2);
times = times[i]; hat_VT=hat_VT[i]; qhat1 = qhat1[i]; qhat2=qhat2[i];
qhat3=qhat3[i]; qhat4=qhat4[i]; qhat5=qhat5[i]; qhat6=qhat6[i];
qhat7=qhat7[i]; qhat8=qhat8[i]; qhat9=qhat9[i];
hat_bt0=hat_bt0[i]; hat_bt1=hat_bt1[i]; hat_bt2=hat_bt2[i];
### Plot coefficients
plot(hat_bt0~times, lwd=2, type="l", xlab="hour", ylab="baseline PM10");
plot(hat_bt1~times, lwd=2, type="l", xlab="hour",
ylab="coefficient of cars");
plot(hat_bt2~times, lwd=2, type="l", xlab="hour",
ylab="coefficient of wind");
### Plot variability V(t)
plot(hat_VT~times, ylim=c(min(hat_VT), max(hat_VT)), xlab="hour",
ylab="", type="l", lwd=2);
mtext(expression(hat(V)(t)), side=2, cex=1, line=3)
### Plot conditional quantiles estimators
ylim = c(-4, 6)
plot(qhat1~times, col="magenta", cex=0.2, lty=5, lwd=2, type="l",
ylim=ylim, xlab="hour", ylab="PM10");
lines(qhat2~times, col="aquamarine4", cex=0.2, lty=4, lwd=2);
lines(qhat3~times, col="blue", cex=0.2, lty=3, lwd=3);
lines(qhat4~times, col="brown", cex=0.2, lty=2, lwd=2);
lines(qhat5~times, col="black", cex=0.2, lty=1, lwd=2);
lines(qhat6~times, col="orange", cex=0.2, lty=2, lwd=2)
lines(qhat7~times, col="darkcyan", cex=0.2, lty=3, lwd=3);
lines(qhat8~times, col="green", cex=0.2, lty=4, lwd=2);
lines(qhat9~times, col="red", cex=0.2, lty=5, lwd=3)
legend("bottom", c(expression(tau==0.9), expression(tau==0.8),
expression(tau==0.7), expression(tau==0.6), expression(tau==0.5),
expression(tau==0.4), expression(tau==0.3), expression(tau==0.2),
expression(tau==0.1)), ncol=1, col=c("red","green","darkcyan",
lwd=c(2,2,3,2,2,2,3,2,2), lty=c(5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5))