QFASA-package |
QFASA: A package for Quantitative Fatty Acid Signature Analysis |
AIT.dist |
Returns the distance between two compositional vectors using Aitchison's distance measure. |
AIT.more |
Used to provide additional information on various model components evaluated at the optimal solution, i.e., using the QFASA diet estimates and Aitchison distance measure. |
AIT.obj |
Used in 'solnp()' as the objective function to be minimized when Aitchison distance measure is chosen. |
backward.elimination |
Returns diet estimates corresponding to a sample of predators based on a backward elimination algorithm that chooses the prey species to be included in the modelling. |
bal.diet.data |
Sample example of balanced repeatability diet estimates data with only two repeated measurements per predator. |
CC |
Fatty acid calibration coefficients. |
chisq.CA |
Called by 'create.d.mat()' to compute the chi-square distance. |
chisq.dist |
Returns the distance between two compositional vectors using the chi-square distance. |
comp.rep |
Repeatability in Diet Estimates |
conf.meth |
Confidence Intervals for Diet Proportions |
create.d.mat |
Called by 'testfordiff.ind.boot.fun()' to create a matrix of distances. |
CS.more |
Used to provide additional information on various model components evaluated at the optimal solution, i.e., using the QFASA diet estimates and chi-square distance measure. |
CS.obj |
Used in 'solnp()' as the objective function to be minimized when chi-square distance measure is chosen. Unlike 'AIT.obj()' and 'KL.obj()', does not require modifying zeros. |
FAset |
List of fatty acids used in sample prey and predator data sets, 'preyFAs' and 'predatorFAs' respectively. |
forward.selection |
Returns diet estimates corresponding to a sample of predators based on a forward selection algorithm that chooses the prey species to be included in the modelling. |
KL.dist |
Returns the distance between two compositional vectors using Kullback-Leibler distance measure. |
KL.more |
Used to provide additional information on various model components evaluated at the optimal solution, i.e., using the QFASA diet estimates and Kullback-Leibler distance measure. |
KL.obj |
Used in 'solnp()' as the objective function to be minimized when Kullback-Leibler distance measure is chosen. |
MEANmeth |
Returns the multivariate mean FA signature of each prey group entered into the QFASA model. Result can be passed to prey.mat in 'p.QFASA()'. |
mean_geometric |
Returns the geometric mean of a compositional vector |
p.MLE |
Returns simplified MLE diet estimates corresponding to a sample of predators. |
Returns MUFASA diet estimates corresponding to a sample of predators. |
Returns QFASA diet estimates corresponding to a sample of predators. |
p.sim.QFASA |
Simultaneous estimation of diet composition and calibration coefficients |
Simultaneous maximum unified fatty acid signature analysis |
Computes within species variance-covariance matrices on transformed scaled, along with a pooled estimate. |
predatorFAs |
Predator fatty acid signatures. Each predator signature is a row with fatty acid proportions in columns. |
prey.cluster |
Produces a dendrogram using distances between the mean FA signatures of the prey types. |
prey.on.prey |
Each prey fatty acid signature is systematically removed from the supplied prey database and its QFASA diet estimate is obtained by treating the individual as a predator. |
preyFAs |
Prey fatty acid signatures. Each prey signature is a row with fatty acid proportions in columns. |
pseudo.pred |
Generate a pseudo predator by sampling with replacement from prey database. |
pseudo.pred.norm |
Generate a pseudo predator parametrically from multivariate normal distributions. |
QFASA: A package for Quantitative Fatty Acid Signature Analysis |
QFASA.const.eqn |
Returns 'sum(alpha)' and used in 'solnp()'. |
split_prey |
Splits prey database into a simulation set (1/3) and a modelling set (2/3). Returns a list: |
testfordiff.ind.boot |
Called by 'testfordiff.ind.pval()'. |
testfordiff.ind.boot.fun |
Called by 'testfordiff.ind.boot()'. |
testfordiff.ind.pval |
Test for a difference between two independent samples of compositional data. Zeros of any type are allowed. |
unbal.diet.data |
Sample example of unbalanced repeatability diet estimates data with a max of two repeated measurements per predator. |