QDR2018A {QDiabetes} | R Documentation |
QDiabetes-2018 Risk Calculator (A-Variant)
Calculate the 10-year risk of developing type 2 diabetes, using the A-variant of the QDiabetes-2018 algorithm. This variant does not use fasting plasma glucose or glycated haemoglobin A1c.
QDR2018A(sex, age, bmi, ht, wt, ethn = "WhiteNA", smoke = "Non", tds = 0,
fhdm = FALSE, htn = FALSE, cvd = FALSE, gdm = FALSE, pcos = FALSE,
learn = FALSE, psy = FALSE, ster = FALSE, stat = FALSE, apsy = FALSE)
sex |
Gender. Must be |
age |
Age, in years. Must be |
bmi |
Body-mass index, in kg/m^2. Must be |
ht |
Height, in m. Must be |
wt |
Weight, in kg. Must be |
ethn |
Ethnicity. Must be one of:
smoke |
Smoking status. Must be one of:
tds |
Townsend deprivation score. Must be |
fhdm |
Family history of diabetes in 1st degree relative. |
htn |
History of hypertension. |
cvd |
History of cardiovascular disease. |
gdm |
History of gestational diabetes. |
pcos |
History of polycystic ovary syndrome. |
learn |
History of one or more conditions conveying learning difficulties. |
psy |
History of schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder. |
ster |
History of use of corticosteroids. |
stat |
History of use of statins. |
apsy |
History of use of 2nd generation antipsychotics. |
Risk (%) of type 2 diabetes.
The QDiabetes R package has been created as a research tool for scientific purposes only. The QDiabetes R package has not been granted Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approval as a medical device, and hence, should not be used as part of any individualised risk assessment.
Benjamin G. Feakins benjamin.feakins@ndph.ox.ac.uk
Hippisley-Cox, J. and Coupland, C. (2017). Development and validation of QDiabetes-2018 risk prediction algorithm to estimate future risk of type 2 diabetes: cohort study. BMJ 359, j5019. doi: 10.1136/bmj.j5019
See Also
- For estimating the 1–10-year risk using QDiabetes-2013.
- For estimating the 10-year risk using QDiabetes-2018 (Model B).
- For estimating the 10-year risk using QDiabetes-2018 (Model C).
## Simple usage
QDR2018A(sex = "Female", age = 76, ht = 1.65, wt = 70)
QDR2018A(sex = "Male", age = seq(25, 80, 5), bmi = 40, ethn = "Other", tds = 5)
QDR2018A(sex = "Female", age = 65, bmi = 35, smoke = c("Non", "Ex", "Light"), fhdm = TRUE)
## Using postcodes to estimate Townsend deprivation scores
QDR2018A(sex = "Male", age = 65, bmi = 40, tds = getTDS("OX3 7LF"))
QDR2018A(sex = "Female", age = 60, bmi = 35, tds = getTDS(c("OX2 6NW", "OX2 6GG")))
## Data frame usage
with(dat_qdr, QDR2018A(sex = sex, age = age, bmi = bmi))
## Plotting outputs
age <- seq(25, 80, 5)
risk_m <- QDR2018A(sex = "Male", age = age, bmi = 40)
risk_f <- QDR2018A(sex = "Female", age = age, bmi = 40)
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(cex = 0.8, cex.sub = 0.8)
plot.window(xlim = range(age), ylim = range(pretty(c(risk_m, risk_f))))
axis(1, at = age)
axis(2, at = pretty(c(risk_m, risk_f)))
main = "Diabetes 10-year risk with age:\nQDiabetes-2018 (A-Variant)",
sub = expression("BMI set to"~40*kg/m^2*", other variables set to defaults"),
xlab = "Age (years)", ylab = "Risk (%)"
lines(age, risk_m, type = "b", col = "navy", lwd = 1.5)
lines(age, risk_f, type = "b", col = "red3", lwd = 1.5)
legend("bottomright", legend = c("Male", "Female"), col = c("navy", "red3"), lty = 1, bty = "n")