d.tumorscreen {QCApro}R Documentation

Comparing Universal Lynch Syndrome Tumor-Screening Programs


This dataset is from Cragun et al. (2014), who analyze the association between different universal tumor screening procedures and certain levels of patient follow-through with germ-line testing for Lynch Syndrome after a screen-positive result using csQCA.




This data frame contains 15 rows (cases) and the following 8 columns (factors):

[ , 1] HPF endogenous factor: high patient follow-through ("1" yes, "0" no)
[ , 2] LPF endogenous factor: low patient follow-through ("1" yes, "0" no)
[ , 3] CA exogenous factor: challenges to adoption at least as high as facilitators ("1" yes, "0" no)
[ , 4] AR exogenous factor: automatic reflex test of screen-positive tumors ("1" yes, "0" no)
[ , 5] RR exogenous factor: genetic counselor receives positive screen results ("1" yes, "0" no)
[ , 6] DR exogenous factor: genetic counselor discloses screening result to patient ("1" yes, "0" no)
[ , 7] DC exogenous factor: difficulty in contacting patients ("1" yes, "0" no)
[ , 8] PR exogenous factor: need for physician referral is a barrier ("1" yes, "0" no)


Thiem, Alrik: collection, documentation


Alrik Thiem (Personal Website; ResearchGate Website)


Cragun, Deborah, Rita D. DeBate, Susan T. Vadaparampil, Julie Baldwin, Heather Hampel, and Tuya Pal. 2014. “Comparing Universal Lynch Syndrome Tumor-Screening Programs to Evaluate Associations between Implementation Strategies and Patient Follow-Through.” Genetics in Medicine 16 (10):773-82. DOI: 10.1038/gim.2014.31.

[Package QCApro version 1.1-2 Index]