d.transport {QCApro}R Documentation

Determinants of High Transport Project Acceptance


This dataset is from Sager and Andereggen (2012), who analyze the determinants of high transport project acceptance in Switzerland using mvQCA.




This data frame contains 21 rows (cases) and the following 10 columns (factors):

[ , 1] FED exogenous factor: federal level
("2" federal, "1" cantonal, "0" municipal)
[ , 2] FIN exogenous factor: financial situation
("1" positive, "0" negative)
[ , 3] URB exogenous factor: sociostructural project location
("1" urban, "0" rural)
[ , 4] GER exogenous factor: cultural project location
("1" German-speaking, "0" French-speaking)
[ , 5] HIS exogenous factor: prior history
("1" yes, "0" no)
[ , 6] COO exogenous factor: planning coordination
("1" strong, "0" not strong)
[ , 7] PRO exogenous factor: administrative professionalization
("1" high, "0" not high)
[ , 8] DIS exogenous factor: administration's discretion
("1" broad, "0" not broad)
[ , 9] EXP exogenous factor: influence of external experts
("1" great, "0" not great)
[ , 10] ACC endogenous factor: project acceptance
("1" high, "0" not high)


Thiem, Alrik: collection, documentation


Alrik Thiem (Personal Website; ResearchGate Website)


Sager, Fritz, and Celine Andereggen. 2012. “Dealing With Complex Causality in Realist Synthesis: The Promise of Qualitative Comparative Analysis.” American Journal of Evaluation 33 (1):60-78. DOI: 10.1177/1098214011411574.

[Package QCApro version 1.1-2 Index]