d.education {QCApro}R Documentation

Impact of New Public Management Instruments on PhD Education


This dataset is from Schneider and Sadowski (2010), who analyze the determinants of PhD placement success for 14 economics departments using csQCA.




This data frame contains 14 rows (cases) and the following 7 columns (factors):

[ , 1] NPM1 exogenous factor: local competition ("1" used, "0" not used)
[ , 2] NPM2 exogenous factor: national competition ("1" used, "0" not used)
[ , 3] NPM3 exogenous factor: transparency ("1" used, "0" not used)
[ , 4] NPM4 exogenous factor: university regulations ("1" used, "0" not used)
[ , 5] NPM5 exogenous factor: target agreements ("1" used, "0" not used)
[ , 6] NPM6 exogenous factor: state regulations ("1" used, "0" not used)
[ , 7] O endogenous factor: placement success ("1" yes, "0" no)


Thiem, Alrik: collection, documentation


Alrik Thiem (Personal Website; ResearchGate Website)


Schneider, Peter, and Dieter Sadowski. 2010. “The Impact of New Public Management Instruments on PhD Education.” Higher Education 59 (5):543-65. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-009-9264-3.

[Package QCApro version 1.1-2 Index]