PupilPre-package |
PupilPre: Preprocessing Pupil Size Data. |
apply_butter |
Applies a Butterworth filter to each event. |
apply_cleanup_change |
Applies user-selected changes to auto cleanup |
apply_user_cleanup |
Applies manual cleanup to the data |
baseline |
Baseline correct the data |
blink_summary |
Check blinks |
butter_filter_app |
Plots the effect of Butterworth filtering by event. |
check_baseline |
Check baseline window for missing data |
clean_artifact |
Automatically clean artifacts. |
clean_blink |
Automatically clean Eyelink marked blinks. |
compare_summary |
A utility function to compare pupil size data before and after applying the cleanup |
downsample |
Downsample the data |
interpolate_NAs |
Interpolation for missing data. |
NA_summary |
Check missing data |
plot_compare_app |
Plots comparison of Pupil and Pupil_Previous by event. |
plot_events |
Plot each event within a group to a directory |
plot_summary_app |
Plots summary of subject or item. |
ppl_check_eye_recording |
Check which eyes were recorded during the experiment |
ppl_plot_avg |
Plots average Pupil. |
ppl_plot_avg_cdiff |
Plots average difference between two conditions. |
ppl_plot_avg_contour |
Plots average contour surface of pupil data. |
ppl_prep_data |
Check the classes of specific columns and re-assigns as necessary. |
ppl_rm_extra_DVcols |
Checks for and removes unnecessary DV output columns. |
ppl_select_recorded_eye |
Select the eye used during recording |
Pupildat |
This is a sample pupil size dataset included in the package |
Pupilex1 |
This is an example dataset to illustrate certain functionality |
Pupilex2 |
This is an example dataset to illustrate certain functionality |
Pupilex3 |
This is an example dataset to illustrate certain functionality |
Pupilex4 |
This is an example dataset to illustrate certain functionality |
Pupilex5 |
This is an example dataset to illustrate certain functionality |
Pupilex6 |
This is an example dataset to illustrate certain functionality |
Pupilex7 |
This is an example dataset to illustrate certain functionality |
PupilPre |
PupilPre: Preprocessing Pupil Size Data. |
recode_off_screen |
Check for samples off-screen and marks as NA. |
rm_sparse_events |
Removes events with excessive missing data |
trim_filtered |
Trim the beginning and end of filtered events. |
user_cleanup_app |
Interactive app for manually cleaning pupil data. |
verify_cleanup_app |
Interactive app for verifying auto cleanup. |