delay.pert {ProjectManagement}R Documentation

Problems of distribution of delay in deterministic projects


This function calculates the delay of a project once it has been completed. In addition, it also calculates the distribution of the delay between the different activities with the proportional, truncated proportional and Shapley rule.


  prec1and2 = matrix(0),
  prec3and4 = matrix(0),
  delta = NULL,
  cost.function = NULL



Vector with the expected duration for each activity.


A matrix indicating the order of precedence type 1 and 2 between the activities (Default=matrix(0)). If value (i,j)=1(i,j)=1 then activity ii precedes type 11 to jj, and if (i,j)=2(i,j)=2 then activity ii precedes type 22 to jj. Cycles cannot exist in a project, i.e. if an activity ii precedes jj then jj cannot precede ii.


A matrix indicating the order of precedence type 3 and 4 between the activities (Default=matrix(0)). If value (i,j)=3(i,j)=3 then activity ii precedes type 33 to jj, and if (i,j)=4(i,j)=4 then activity ii precedes type 44 to jj. Cycles cannot exist in a project, i.e. if an activity ii precedes jj then jj cannot precede ii.


Vector with the observed duration for each activity.


Value to indicate the maximun time that the project can take without delay. If this is not added, the function will use as delta the expected project time. This value is only used if the function uses the default cost function.


Delay costs function. If this value is not added, a default cost function will be used.


Given a problem of sharing delays in a project (N,,{Xˉi}iN,{xi}iN)(N,\prec,\{\bar{X}_i\}_{i\in N},\{x_i\}_{i\in N}), such that {Xˉi}iN\{\bar{X}_i\}_{i\in N} is the expected value of activities' duration and {xi}iN\{x_i\}_{i\in N} the observed value. If D(N,,{Xˉi}iN)D(N,\prec,\{\bar{X}_i\}_{i\in N}) is the expected project time and D(N,,{xi}iN)D(N,\prec,\{x_i\}_{i\in N}) is the observed project time, it has to d=D(N,,{Xˉi}iN)δd=D(N,\prec,\{\bar{X}_i\}_{i\in N})-\delta is the delay, where δ\delta can be any arbitrary value greater than zero. The following rules distribute the delay costs among the different activities.

The proportional rule, from Brânzei et al. (2002), distributes the delay, dd, proportionally. So that each activity receives a payment of:

ϕi=xiXˉijNmax{xjXˉj,0}C(D(N,,{Xˉi}iN)).\phi_i=\frac{\displaystyle x_{i}-\bar{X}_{i}}{\displaystyle \sum_{j\in N}\max\{x_{j}-\bar{X}_{j},0\}}\cdot C(D(N,\prec,\{\bar{X}_i\}_{i\in N})).

The truncated proportional rule, from Brânzei et al. (2002), distributes the delay, dd, proportionally, where the individual delay of each player is reduced to dd if if is larger. So that each activity receives a payment of:

ϕˉi=min{xiXˉi,C(D(N,,{Xˉi}iN))}jNmax{min{xjXˉj,C(D(N,,{Xˉi}iN))},0}C(D(N,,{Xˉi}iN)).\bar{\phi}_i=\frac{\displaystyle \min\{x_{i}-\bar{X}_{i},C(D(N,\prec,\{\bar{X}_i\}_{i\in N}))\}}{\displaystyle \sum_{j\in N} \max\{\min\{x_{j}-\bar{X}_{j},C(D(N,\prec,\{\bar{X}_i\}_{i\in N}))\},0\}}\cdot C(D(N,\prec,\{\bar{X}_i\}_{i\in N})).

These values are only well defined when the sum of the individual delays is different from zero.

Shapley rule distributes the delay, dd, based on the Shapley value for TU games, see Bergantiños et al. (2018). Given a project problem with delays (N,,{Xˉi}iN,{xi}iN)(N,\prec,\{\bar{X}_i\}_{i\in N},\{x_i\}_{i\in N}), its associated TU game, (N,v)(N,v), is v(S)=C(D(N,,({Xˉi}iN\S,{xi}iS)))v(S)=C(D(N,\prec,(\{\bar{X}_i\}_{i\in N\backslash S},\{x_i\}_{i\in S}))) for all SNS\subseteq N, where CC is the costs function (by default C(D(N,,y))=D(N,,y)δC(D(N,\prec,y))=D(N,\prec,y)-\delta. If the number of activities is greater than ten, the Shapley value, of the game (N,v)(N,v), is estimated using a unique sampling process for all players, see Castro et al. (2009).


The delay value and a solution matrix.



Bergantiños, G., Valencia-Toledo, A., & Vidal-Puga, J. (2018). Hart and Mas-Colell consistency in PERT problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 243, 11-20.


Brânzei, R., Ferrari, G., Fragnelli, V., & Tijs, S. (2002). Two approaches to the problem of sharing delay costs in joint projects. Annals of Operations Research, 109(1-4), 359-374.


Castro, J., Gómez, D., & Tejada, J. (2009). Polynomial calculation of the Shapley value based on sampling. Computers & Operations Research, 36(5), 1726-1730.



[Package ProjectManagement version 1.5.2 Index]