Identification of Prognosis-Related Mutually Exclusive Modules

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Documentation for package ‘ProgModule’ version 0.1.0

Help Pages

candidate_module candidate_module, candidate module
final_candidate_module final_candidate_module, Final candidate modules
get_candidate_module Get candidate module.
get_final_module Get final module.
get_local_network Extract the local networks from the PPI network.
get_lollipopPlot Draw an lollipopPlot for module genes
get_mutual_module Extract the mutually exclusive module.
get_mut_status Converts MAF file into mutation matrix.
get_mut_survivalresult Plot Kaplan-Meier survival curve.
get_oncoplots Draw a waterfall plot of mutated genes involved in the module
get_plotMutInteract Exact tests to detect mutually exclusive, co-occuring and altered genesets or pathways.
get_Pvalue_S Get perturbed p-value.
get_univarCox_result Get univarCox result.
local_network local_network, local network gene set
maf_data maf_data, MAF file
MI Calculate mutual information.
module module, gene set
mut_status mut_status, mutations matrix
net net, network
plotMutInteract_moduledata plotMutInteract_moduledata
plotMutInteract_mutdata plotMutInteract_mutdata
subnet subnet, network
univarCox_result univarCox_result