ProfoundData-package {ProfoundData}R Documentation

Overview of the functions in the ProfoundData package


The ProfoundData R package provides functions to explore, visualize and get data from the PROFOUND database. The development of the PROFOUND database and the ProfoundData R package was faciliated by COST Action FP1304 PROFOUND.

A brief description of the PROFOUND database is avalaible in the vignette 'PROFOUNDdatabase' ( you can open it by running this command: vignette('PROFOUNDdatabase')).

Note: before you can use the package, you need to download the database via downloadDatabase and register the database location via setDB

Below is a list of the package's functions grouped by theme. See the package vignette for more information and examples (vignette('ProfoundData')).

I. Browse the database

Functions to explore the database.

II. Extract data

Functions to extract data. Data can be extracted for one site and one dataset at a time.

III. Visualize data

Functions to plot data from the database.

IV. Utilities



Except where indicated otherwise, the functions in this package were written by Ramiro Silveyra Gonzalez, Christopher Reyer, Florian Hartig and Mahnken. Ramiro Silveyra Gonzalez was the main developer of the package. Florian Hartig is currently the maintainer.

[Package ProfoundData version 0.2.1 Index]