Streamline Population Genomic and Genetic Analyses

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Documentation for package ‘PopGenHelpR’ version 1.3.1

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Ancestry_barchart Plot an ancestry matrix for individuals and(or) populations.
Differentiation A function to estimate three measures of genetic differentiation using geno files, vcf files, or vcfR objects. Data is assumed to be bi-allelic.
Fst_dat A genetic differentiation matrix and locality information for each population. This data was generated by subsetting data of Farleigh et al., 2021.
Heterozygosity A function to estimate seven measures of heterozygosity using geno files, vcf files, or vcfR objects. Data is assumed to be bi-allelic.
Het_dat A data frame of hypothetical heterozygosity data produced by Heterozygosity.
HornedLizard_Pop A population assignment data frame to be used in 'Heterozygosity' and 'Differentiation'.
HornedLizard_VCF A vcfR object to be used in 'Heterozygosity' and 'Differentiation'.
Network_map A function to map statistics (i.e., genetic differentiation) between points as a network on a map.
Pairwise_heatmap A function to plot a heatmap from a symmetric matrix.
PCA A function to perform principal component analysis (PCA) on genetic data. Loci with missing data will be removed prior to PCA.
Piechart_map Plot a map of ancestry pie charts.
Plot_coordinates A function to plot coordinates on a map.
Point_map A function to map statistics as colored points on a map.
Private.alleles A function to estimate the number of private alleles in each population.
Q_dat A list representing a q-matrix and the locality information associated with the qmatrix