Paternity Exclusion in Autopolyploid Species

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Documentation for package ‘PolyPatEx’ version 0.9.2

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PolyPatEx-package Polyploid paternity exclusion by allele matching.
convertToPhenot Convert a genotype allele dataset to a phenotype dataset
fixCSV Tidy a comma separated value (CSV) file
foreignAlleles Identify foreign alleles
FR_Genotype Example genotype allele dataset
genotPPE Simple paternity exclusion for genotype allele data
GF_Phenotype Example phenotype allele dataset
inputData Read in, check and preprocess the allele dataset
multilocusTypes Genotype summaries
phenotPPE Simple paternity exclusion for phenotype allele data
potentialFatherCounts Count potential fathers
potentialFatherIDs Identify potential fathers
preprocessData Check and preprocess an allele dataset