Vaccine Efficacy Estimation Package

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Documentation for package ‘PoDBAY’ version 1.4.3

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assignPoD Assign probability of disease (PoD)
BlindSampling Immunogenicity subset: vaccinated, control, non-diseased
ClinicalTrial Clinical trial: estimation of case-count efficacy
ClinicalTrialCoverage Clinical trial function expanded for usage in simulations when the calculation of coverage probability is needed for three confidence intervals: 80%, 90%, and user-defined
control Dataset containing the information for control subjects
cppMLE Maximum likelihood estimation: cpp
cppPoD Probability of disease calculation
diseased Dataset containing the information for diseased subjects
EfficacyCI PoDBAY efficacy summary: mean, median, confidence intervals
EfficacyCICoverage PoDBAY efficacy summary at three confidence levels
efficacyComputation PoDBAY efficacy equation
efficacySet Estimated PoDBAY efficacies
efficacySquaredError Optimization objective function: efficacy squared error
estimatedParameters Estimated PoD curve parameters
ExpectedPoD Expected probability of disease
ExtractDiseased Diseased subjects extraction
ExtractNondiseased Non-diseased subjects extraction
fitPoD PoD curve: fitting function
GenerateNondiseased Generation of upsampled non-diseased subjects titers
generatePopulation Population class object generation
getDiseasedCount Diseased count
getDiseasedTiters Diseased titers
getNondiseasedCount Non-diseased count
getNondiseasedTiters Non-diseased titers
getTiters Subject level titers
getUnknown Generate unknown
ImmunogenicitySubset Immunogenicity subset
incorrectInput Error message
incorrectPopulationInput Population class error message
JitterMean Population mean jittering
MLE Maximum Likelihood estimation
nondiseased Dataset containing the information for non-diseased subjects
numToBool Numeric to boolean
PmaxEstimation PoD curve paramater, pmax, estimation
PoD Probability of disease calculation
PoDBAYEfficacy PoDBAY efficacy estimation
PoDCI PoD curve confidence ribbon
PoDCurvePlot PoD curve: plot
PoDEfficacySquaredError Optimization function: finds PoD curve paramaters (et50, slope)
PoDMLE Setup for the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
PoDParamEstimation PoD curve parameters estimation
PoDParamPointEstimation PoD curve point estimate
PoDParams PoD curve parameters
PoDParamsCI Confidence intervals of PoD curve parameters
PoDParamsCICoverage Confidence intervals of PoD curve parameters at three confidence levels
popFun Population function
population Population class
Population-class Population class
popX Add noise to population titers
vaccinated Dataset containing the information for vaccinated subjects
waldCI Wald confidence interval estimation