LoadBackgroundErrorRate {PlasmaMutationDetector2}R Documentation

function LoadBackgroundErrorRate


This function will load the background error rates created from the controls using the function BuildCtrlErrorRate


LoadBackgroundErrorRate(pos_ranges.file, ber.ctrl.file)



char, name of the Rdata file containing the three variables pos_ind, pos_snp, pos_ranges as build by the function PrepareLibrary. Default NULL, use the position_ranges.rda provides that we used for our analysis.


char, pathname of the file providing the background error rates obtained from the controls (default NULL use the provided background error rates obtained from our 29 controls). See background_error_rate.txt data and BuildCtrlErrorRate function.


the adapted background error rate


N. Pécuchet, P. Laurent-Puig, O. Nordgård and Y. Rozenholc


Analysis of base-position error rate of next-generation sequencing to detect tumor mutations in circulating DNA N. Pécuchet, Y. Rozenholc, E. Zonta, D. Pietraz, A. Didelot, P. Combe, L. Gibault, J-B. Bachet, V. Taly, E. Fabre, H. Blons and P. Laurent-Puig in Clinical Chemistry

Novel hybridization- and tag-based error-corrected method for sensitive ctDNA mutation detection using ion semiconductor sequencing Kjersti Tjensvoll, Morten Lapin, Bjørnar Gilje, Herish Garresori, Satu Oltedal, Rakel Brendsdal Forthun, Anders Molven, Yves Rozenholc and Oddmund Nordgård in Scientific Reports

[Package PlasmaMutationDetector2 version 1.1.11 Index]