BuildCtrlErrorRate {PlasmaMutationDetector}R Documentation

function BuildCtrlErrorRate


Compute the SNV Position-Error Rates and INDEL Position-Error Rates from control samples (available in the control directory ctrl.dir). This function requires MAF files, that will be automatically generated if not present in the specified control folder. SNV PER is computed as the sum in control samples of SNV background counts / sum in control samples of depths where SNV background counts = depth - major allele count. INDEL PER is computed as sum in control samples of INDEL background counts / sum in control samples of depths where INDEL background counts = sum of insertion and deletion counts.


BuildCtrlErrorRate(ctrl.dir = "Plasma ctrl/", bai.ext = ".bai",
  pos_ranges.file = NULL, hotspot.file = NULL, force = FALSE,
  output.dir = ctrl.dir)



char, foldername containing the control files (default 'Plasma ctrl/'). The typical folder hierarchy will consist of 'Plasma ctrl/rBAM'


char, filename extension of the bai files (default '.bai')


char, name of the Rdata file containing the three variables pos_ind, pos_snp and pos_ranges as build by the function PrepareLibrary. Default NULL, use the position_ranges.rda provided, used for our analysis.


char, name of the text file containing a list of the genomic positions of the hotspots (default NULL, read the provide hotspot.txt, see hotspot)


boolean, (default FALSE) if TRUE force all computations to all files including already processed ones


char, name of the folder to save results (default ctrl.dir).


the number of processed files


N. Pécuchet, P. Laurent-Puig and Y. Rozenholc


Analysis of base-position error rate of next-generation sequencing to detect tumor mutations in circulating DNA N. Pécuchet, Y. Rozenholc, E. Zonta, D. Pietraz, A. Didelot, P. Combe, L. Gibault, J-B. Bachet, V. Taly, E. Fabre, H. Blons, P. Laurent-Puig in Clinical Chemistry


## Not run: 
   ctrl.dir = system.file("extdata", "4test_only/ctrl/", package = "PlasmaMutationDetector")
   if (substr(ctrl.dir,nchar(ctrl.dir),nchar(ctrl.dir))!='/')
     ctrl.dir = paste0(ctrl.dir,'/') # TO RUN UNDER WINDOWS
## End(Not run)

[Package PlasmaMutationDetector version 1.7.2 Index]