Processing of the 'Planet NICFI' Satellite Imagery

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Documentation for package ‘PlanetNICFI’ version 1.0.5

Help Pages

aria2c_bulk_donwload Bulk download of files using 'aria2c'
aria2c_download_paths Format Mosaic and Quad weblinks to serve as input to the 'aria2c_bulk_donwload' function
create_VRT_from_dir Create a Virtual Raster (VRT) file from the .tif files
nicfi_crop_images Crop the downloaded NICFI .tif or .vrt file using 'gdalwarp'
nicfi_mosaics Returns all 'monthly' or 'bi-annually' mosaic files of the NICFI data
nicfi_quads_bbox Computes the NICFI Quads based on a mosaic-id and a specified Area of Interest (bounding box or Well Known Text)
proj_info_extract Extract the Projection from a (virtual) raster file
sequential_download_paths Download the Planet NICFI images sequentially