Functions for Calculating Dodge Romig, MIL STD 105E and MIL STD 414 Acceptance Sampling Plan

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Planesmuestra-package Acceptance sampling plan according the Dodge Romig, MIL STD105E and MIL STD414 plans.
ap_DR Data: Dodge Romig table of Nonconforming fraction levels for AOQL and LPTD plans
code_letter Data: Inspection level and the code letter for a MIL STD 105E acceptance sampling plan.
code_letter.milstd414 Data: Inspection level and the code letter for a MIL STD 414 acceptance sampling plan and normal inspection.
f_CO.NCA.NCL OC Curve for AOQL and LPTD relation
f_CO.plan Plot the OC Curve for a specific Dodge Romig acceptance sampling plan results
f_dodge.romig.simple Calculate the acceptance sampling for Dodge Romig method
f_DR.CO Plot the OC Curve for a specific acceptance sampling plan
f_milstd105e Calculate the acceptance sampling for MIL STD 105E / ANSI ASQ C Z 1.4 / ISO 2589 plan
f_milstd414 Calculate the acceptance sampling for MIL STD 414 / ANSI ASQ C Z 1.9 / ISO 3951 plan
f_milstd414.test Accept or reject a variable sample considering a shift factor
k_plans.milstd414 Data: Extract the sample size and k value for MIL STD 414 variable acceptance sampling plans and normal type.
lot_size Data: Lot size levels for MIL STD 105 E acceptance sampling plans
lot_size.milstd414 Data: Lot size levels for MIL STD 414 variable acceptance sampling plans
lot_size_DR Data: Lot size for Dodge Romig acceptance sampling plan
milstd105eplans Data: Extract the sample size and the acceptance number for MIL STD 105E acceptance sampling plans.
NCA_values Data: AQL levels for MIL STD 105E acceptance sampling plans.
Planesmuestra Acceptance sampling plan according the Dodge Romig, MIL STD105E and MIL STD414 plans.