'Petfinder' API Wrapper

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Documentation for package ‘PetfindeR’ version 2.1.0

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.Petfinder.class Internal R6 class
animals Returns adoptable animal data from Petfinder based on specified criteria.
animal_types Returns data on an animal type, or types available from the Petfinder API. This data includes the available type's coat names and colors, gender and other specific information relevant to the specified type(s). The animal type must be of 'dog', 'cat', 'rabbit', 'small-furry', 'horse', 'bird', 'scales-fins-other', 'barnyard'.
breeds Returns breed names of specified animal type, or types.
organizations Returns data on an animal welfare organization, or organizations, based on specified criteria.
Petfinder Creates an authenticated connection with the Petfinder API. The stored authentication is then used to call the Petfinder API methods. An API key can be obtained from Petfinder by creating an account on their developer page (https://www.petfinder.com/developers/api-key). The function wraps the .Petfinder.class R6 class.