as.conflictmat | convert to a matrix of 'conf.mat' class |
bradleyTerry | Computes the MLE for the BT model using an MM algorithm |
bt.test | Systemic test for the assumptions of the Bradley-Terry model |
conductance | compute win-loss probabilities |
countPaths | count paths between all pairs |
dyadicLongConverter | dyadic long format converter |
findAllPaths | Identifies all paths between all pairs of less than or equal to a certain length |
findIDpaths | find all paths of a certain length for an individual |
getAllCosts | Associate each costs with its corresponding simulated annealing runs |
getAllRankOrder | assign IDs to all best rank orders |
getBestRankOrder | assign IDs to the best rank order |
getSimOutput | get useful outputs from simulated annealing processes |
individualDomProb | individual-level probability converter |
Perc | Perc. |
plotConfmat | generate heat map for a matrix |
plotProbDiagnosis | Diagnosis Plot 'plotProbDiagnosis' generate heat map for dominance probability matrix |
sampleEdgelist | sampleEdgelist. social interactions among 11 monkeys |
sampleRawMatrix | sampleRawMatrix. dominance interactions between 39 monkeys |
sampleWeightedEdgelist | sampleWeightedEdgelist. dominance interactions among 29 monkeys |
simRankOrder | Find rank order using simulated annealing |
transitivity | calculate transitivity measurements for a matrix |
valueConverter | win-loss probability matrix value converter |