Using Percolation and Conductance to Find Information Flow Certainty in a Direct Network

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Documentation for package ‘Perc’ version 0.1.6

Help Pages

as.conflictmat convert to a matrix of 'conf.mat' class
bradleyTerry Computes the MLE for the BT model using an MM algorithm
bt.test Systemic test for the assumptions of the Bradley-Terry model
conductance compute win-loss probabilities
countPaths count paths between all pairs
dyadicLongConverter dyadic long format converter
findAllPaths Identifies all paths between all pairs of less than or equal to a certain length
findIDpaths find all paths of a certain length for an individual
getAllCosts Associate each costs with its corresponding simulated annealing runs
getAllRankOrder assign IDs to all best rank orders
getBestRankOrder assign IDs to the best rank order
getSimOutput get useful outputs from simulated annealing processes
individualDomProb individual-level probability converter
Perc Perc.
plotConfmat generate heat map for a matrix
plotProbDiagnosis Diagnosis Plot 'plotProbDiagnosis' generate heat map for dominance probability matrix
sampleEdgelist sampleEdgelist. social interactions among 11 monkeys
sampleRawMatrix sampleRawMatrix. dominance interactions between 39 monkeys
sampleWeightedEdgelist sampleWeightedEdgelist. dominance interactions among 29 monkeys
simRankOrder Find rank order using simulated annealing
transitivity calculate transitivity measurements for a matrix
valueConverter win-loss probability matrix value converter