bioact {PepSAVIms} | R Documentation |
Bioactivity data
The relative relative growth inhibition of bioactivity levels for the bacteria and virus strains studies in Kirkpatrick et al. (2016).
A list
containing relative growth inhibition of bioactivity
levels for the bacteria and virus strains listed below. Each of the
following elements in the list
is a data.frame
with 3 rows
and 44 columns (with the exception of fg ********* which has 2 rows).
The rows in each data.frame
correspond to replications of the data
collection process, while the columns correspond to relative growth
inhibition bioactivity levels when subject to peptide libraries across
fractions 1-43 and fraction 47.
- ec
E. Coli
- bc
S. aureus
- pc
K. pneumoniae
- oc
A. baumannii
- ef
E. cloacae
- ab
- pa
- fg
[Package PepSAVIms version 0.9.1 Index]