EM_fit {PenIC} | R Documentation |
EM algorithm for fitting generalized odds-rate model with specified link function (i.e., alpha value) under interval-censored data
Fits the generalized odds-rate model based on penalized B-splines to interval censored data via an EM algorithm.
g0 |
initial estimate of the spline coefficients; should be of length qn+order+1. |
b0 |
initial estimate of regression coefficients; should be of length dim(Z)[2]. |
d1 |
vector indicating whether an observation is left-censored (1) or not (0). |
d2 |
vector indicating whether an observation is interval-censored (1) or not (0). |
d3 |
vector indicating whether an observation is right-censored (1) or not (0). |
Li |
the left endpoint of the observed interval; if an observation is left-censored, its corresponding entry should be 0. |
Ri |
the right endpoint of the observed interval; if an observation is right-censored, its corresponding entry should be Inf. |
Z |
design matrix of predictor variables (in columns); should be specified without an intercept term. |
nsub |
size of observed dataset. |
alpha |
parameter of link function; alpha=0 for the PH model and alpha=1 for the PO model. |
qn |
the number of interior knots to be used; should not exceed square root of sample size. |
order |
the order of the basis functions; order=3 for cubic spline. |
tol |
the convergence criterion of the EM algorithm. |
t.seq |
an increasing sequence of points at which the cumulative baseline hazard function is evaluated. |
itmax |
maximum iterations of EM procedure. |
lamu |
upper limit of smoothing parameter. |
The above function fits the generalized odds-rate model (with specified value of alpha) to interval censored data via an EM algorithm using penalized monotone B-splines.
b |
estimates of the regression coefficients. |
g |
estimates of the spline coefficients. |
se |
the standard deviation of b. |
base |
estimated cumulative baseline hazard function evaluated at the points t.seq. |
lambda |
final value of smooth parameter. |
flag |
the indicator whether the procedure converged; 0 if converged. |
Lu, M., Liu, Y., Li, C. and Sun, J. (2019+). An efficient penalized estimation approach for a semi-parametric linear transformation model with interval-censored data. arXiv:1912.11703.
case <- 2
nsub <- 35
# Generate interval-censored data under PH model
dat <- dataPA(nsub,case,alpha=0)
rp <- c(mean(dat$d1),mean(dat$d2),mean(dat$d3))
# [1] 0.2571429 0.3428571 0.4000000
t.seq <- seq(0.01,4,0.01)
# number of interior knots to be used
qn <- ceiling(nsub^(1/3))-2
order <- 3
d1 <- dat$d1
d2 <- dat$d2
d3 <- dat$d3
Ri <- dat$Ri
Li <- dat$Li
Z <- dat$Z
p <- ncol(Z)
b0 <- rep(0,p)
g0 <- sort(runif(qn+order+1,-1,1))
# Fit data under PH model
fit <- EM_fit(g0,b0,d1,d2,d3,Li,Ri,Z,nsub,alpha=0,qn,order,t.seq,tol=1e-2,itmax=100,lamu=1e5)
# [,1] [,2]
#[1,] -1.0655212 0.5021835
#[2,] 0.7649178 0.3185045