Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data

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Documentation for package ‘PanelMatch’ version 2.0.1

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PanelMatch-package Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data
balance_scatter balance_scatter
dem County-level Democracy indicator
DisplayTreatment DisplayTreatment
get_covariate_balance Calculate covariate balance
get_set_treatment_effects get_set_treatment_effects
matched_set matched_set
PanelEstimate PanelEstimate
PanelMatch PanelMatch
placebo_test placebo_test
plot.matched.set Plot the distribution of the sizes of matched sets.
plot.PanelEstimate Plot point estimates and standard errors from a PanelEstimate calculation.
print.matched.set Print 'matched.set' objects.
summary.matched.set Summarize information about a 'matched.set' object and the matched sets contained within them.
summary.PanelEstimate Get summaries of PanelEstimate objects/calculations