Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data

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Documentation for package ‘PanelMatch’ version 2.2.0

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balance_scatter balance_scatter
dem Country-level Democracy indicator
DisplayTreatment DisplayTreatment
enforce_lead_restrictions enforce_lead_restrictions check treatment and control units for treatment reversion in the lead window. Treated units must stay treated and control units must stay in control (according to the specified qoi)
get_covariate_balance Calculate covariate balance
get_set_treatment_effects get_set_treatment_effects
handle_moderating_variable handle_moderating_variable handles moderating variable calculations: In practice, this just involves slicing the data up according to the moderator, calling PanelEstimate() and putting everything back together This function creates the sets of objects on which PanelEstimate() will be called. It identifies the set of valid values the moderating variable can take on.
matched_set matched_set
PanelEstimate PanelEstimate
PanelMatch PanelMatch
perunitSum perunitSum This is a low level function that is used to calculate a value associated with each unit. This value is a weighted summation of the dependent variable, based on the Wit values discussed in Imai et al. (2023)
perunitSum_Dit perunitSum_Dit Similar to perunitSum, this is a low level helper function for calculating specific values defined in Imai et al. (2023). This focuses on Dit rather than Wit
placebo_test placebo_test
plot.matched.set Plot the distribution of the sizes of matched sets.
plot.PanelEstimate Plot point estimates and standard errors from a PanelEstimate calculation.
print.matched.set Print 'matched.set' objects.
summary.matched.set Summarize information about a 'matched.set' object and the matched sets contained within them.
summary.PanelEstimate Get summaries of PanelEstimate objects/calculations