ProbitRE_PLNRE {PanelCount} | R Documentation |
Poisson Lognormal Model with Random Effects and Sample Selection
Estimates the following two-stage model:
Selection equation (ProbitRE - Probit model with individual level random effects):
z_{it}=1(\boldsymbol{\alpha}\mathbf{w_{it}}'+\delta u_i+\xi_{it} > 0)
Outcome Equation (PLN_RE - Poisson Lognormal model with individual-time level random effects):
E[y_{it}|x_{it},v_i,\epsilon_{it}] = exp(\boldsymbol{\beta}\mathbf{x_{it}}' + \sigma v_i + \gamma \epsilon_{it})
Correlation (self-selection at both individual and individual-time level):
are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of\rho
. -
are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of\tau
: variables influencing the selection decisionz_{it}
, which could be a mixture of time-variant variables, time-invariant variables, and time dummies -
: variables influencing the outcomey_{it}
, which could be a mixture of time-variant variables, time-invariant variables, and time dummies -
: individual level random effect in the selection equation -
: individual level random effect in the outcome equation -
: error term in the selection equation -
: individual-time level random effect in the outcome equation
testData = NULL,
par = NULL,
disable_rho = FALSE,
disable_tau = FALSE,
delta = NULL,
sigma = NULL,
gamma = NULL,
rho = NULL,
tau = NULL,
method = "BFGS",
se_type = c("BHHH", "Hessian")[1],
H = c(10, 10),
psnH = 20,
prbH = 20,
plnreH = 20,
reltol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
factr = 1e+07,
verbose = 1,
offset_w_name = NULL,
offset_x_name = NULL
sel_form |
Formula for selection equation, a Probit model with random effects |
out_form |
Formula for outcome equation, a Poisson Lognormal model with random effects |
data |
Input data, a data.frame object | |
The name of the column representing id. Data will be sorted by id to improve estimation speed. |
testData |
Test data for prediction, a data.frame object |
par |
Starting values for estimates. Default to estimates of standalone selection and outcome models. |
disable_rho |
Whether to disable correlation at the individual level random effect. Defaults to FALSE. |
disable_tau |
Whether to disable correlation at the individual-time level random effect / error term. Defaults to FALSE. |
delta |
Starting value for delta. Will be ignored if par is provided. |
sigma |
Starting value for sigma. Will be ignored if par is provided. |
gamma |
Starting value for gamma. Will be ignored if par is provided. |
rho |
Starting value for rho. Defaults to 0 and will be ignored if par is provided. |
tau |
Starting value for tau. Defaults to 0 and will be ignored if par is provided. |
method |
Optimization method used by optim. Defaults to 'BFGS'. |
se_type |
Report Hessian or BHHH standard errors. Defaults to BHHH. Hessian matrix is extremely time-consuming to calculate numerically for large datasets. |
H |
A integer vector of length 2, specifying the number of points for inner and outer Quadratures |
psnH |
Number of Quadrature points for Poisson RE model |
prbH |
Number of Quadrature points for Probit RE model |
plnreH |
Number of Quadrature points for PLN_RE model |
reltol |
Relative convergence tolerance. The algorithm stops if it is unable to reduce the value by a factor of reltol * (abs(val) + reltol) at a step. Defaults to sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), typically about 1e-8. |
factr |
L-BFGS-B method uses factr instead of reltol to control for precision. Default is 1e7, that is a tolerance of about 1e-8. |
verbose |
A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.
offset_w_name |
An offset variable whose coefficient is assumed to be 1 in the selection equation |
offset_x_name |
An offset variable whose coefficient is assumed to be 1 in the outcome equation |
A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of optim
estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals
par: Point estimates
var_bhhh: BHHH covariance matrix, inverse of the outer product of gradient at the maximum
se_bhhh: BHHH standard errors
g: Gradient function at maximum
, where H^-1 is approximated by var_bhhh. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.LL: Likelihood
n_obs: Number of observations
time: Time takes to estimate the model
partial: Average partial effect at the population level
paritalAvgObs: Partial effect for an individual with average characteristics
predict: A list with predicted participation probability (prob), predicted potential outcome (outcome), and predicted actual outcome (actual_outcome).
counts: From optim. A two-element integer vector giving the number of calls to fn and gr respectively. This excludes those calls needed to compute the Hessian, if requested, and any calls to fn to compute a finite-difference approximation to the gradient.
message: From optim. A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or NULL.
convergence: From optim. An integer code. 0 indicates successful completion. Note that the list inherits all the complements in the output of optim. See the documentation of optim for more details.
Peng, J., & Van den Bulte, C. (2023). Participation vs. Effectiveness in Sponsored Tweet Campaigns: A Quality-Quantity Conundrum. Management Science (forthcoming). Available at SSRN:
Peng, J., & Van den Bulte, C. (2015). How to Better Target and Incent Paid Endorsers in Social Advertising Campaigns: A Field Experiment. 2015 International Conference on Information Systems.
See Also
Other PanelCount:
# Use the simulated dataset, in which the true coefficients of x and w are 1 in both stages.
# The model can recover the true parameters very well
res = ProbitRE_PLNRE(z~x+w, y~x, data=sim,'id')