pcp {PairViz} | R Documentation |
Enhanced parallel coordinate plots.
pcp draws a parallel coordinate plot.It is a modified
version of parcoord {MASS}
may be reordered and panels colored in the display.
catpcp draws a parallel coordinate plot variant for categorical data.
pcp(data, order = NULL, panel.colors = NULL, col = 1, lty = 1,
horizontal = TRUE, mar = NULL, scale = TRUE, axis.width = 0,
axis.grid.col="grey70",connect=TRUE, ...)
catpcp(data, order = NULL, pcpbars, barvars = 1:ncol(data),
pcpbars.border = "black", pcpbars.col = NULL, pcpbars.labels = FALSE,
pcpbars.axis.at = NULL, pcpbars.axis.labels = NULL,
axis.width = 0.2,connect=TRUE, ...)
data |
A data frame or matrix. |
order |
an index vector specifying variable order. If NULL, all variables are used. |
panel.colors |
either a vector or a matrix of panel colors. If a vector is supplied, the ith color is used for the ith panel. If a matrix, dimensions should match those of the variables. Diagonal entries are ignored. |
col |
a vector of colours, recycled as necessary for each observation. |
lty |
a vector of line types, recycled as necessary for each observation. |
horizontal |
If TRUE, orientation is horizontal. |
mar |
margin parameters, passed to |
scale |
If TRUE, the variables are scaled to the unit interval. |
axis.width |
Width of each of the parallel axes. |
axis.grid.col |
Color of variable axes. Use NULL for no axes. |
connect |
If FALSE, line segments are not connected. Points are drawn if axis.width=0. |
pcpbars |
A list, with one component per barvar. Component i is a matrix with the bottom and top of the bars for that variable. |
barvars |
Categorical variables where overlayed bars show the level frequency. |
pcpbars.border |
Border colour of the bars. |
pcpbars.col |
Colour of the bars. |
pcpbars.labels |
Labels for the bars. |
pcpbars.axis.at |
Axis label positions for the bars. |
pcpbars.axis.labels |
Axis label text for the bars. |
... |
other parameters, passed to pcp by catpcp |
y <- as.data.frame(as.table(HairEyeColor))
colvar <- 3 # any of 1:3 will do
y <- y[order(y[,colvar]),] # ensures that cases are ordered by colour within each factor level
ylong <- apply(y[,-4],2, function(x) rep(x,times=y[,4]))
cols <- desaturate_color(rainbow(4,alpha=0.3),.5)
cols <- cols[as.numeric(as.factor(ylong[,colvar]))]
ds <- factor_spreadout(ylong)
par( cex.axis=.8,cex=.8)
catpcp(ds$data,col=cols,lwd=2,pcpbars=ds$bars,pcpbars.labels=TRUE,main="Hair Eye data")