PVR-package {PVR}R Documentation

Computes Phylogenetic eigenVectors Regression and Phylogentic Signal-Representation curve (with null and neutral expectations).


Computes PVR and PSR curve along with some plot utilitties.


Package: PVR
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2018-05-29
License: GPL >= 2


Santos, T; Diniz-Filho, J.A.F.; Rangel, T.F.; Bini, L.M.

Maintainer: Thiago Santos <thiago.santos@ufvjm.edu.br>


Diniz-Filho, J.A.F., Sant'Ana, C.E.R. and Bini, L.M. (1998). An eigenvector method for estimating phylogenetic inertia. Evolution 52:1247-1262.

Diniz-filho, J.A.F., Rangel, T.F., Santos, T. and Bini, L.M. (2012). Exploring patterns of interespecific variation in quantitative traits using sequential phylogenetic eigenvector regressions. Evolution, 66(4):1079-1090.

Diniz-filho, J.A.F., Bini, L.M., Rangel, T.F., Morales-Castilla, I., Olalla-Tarraga, M.A., Rodriguez, M.A. and Hawkins, B.A. (2012). On the selection of phylogenetic eigenvectors for ecological analyses. Ecography, 35:239-249.

See Also

PVR-class, PSR-class, PVR, PSR, PVRdecomp, PSRplot, VarPartplot


#Creating a 10 tips ultrametric random phylogeny
tree <- rcoal(10)
#Decomposing phylogenetic distance matrix derived from tree into a set of orthogonal vectors
x <- PVRdecomp(tree)
trait <- runif(10)
y <- PSR(x, trait)

[Package PVR version 0.3 Index]