grpPUlasso {PUlasso} | R Documentation |
Solve PU problem with lasso or group lasso penalty.
Fit a model using PUlasso algorithm over a regularization path. The regularization path is computed at a grid of values for the regularization parameter lambda.
initial_coef = NULL,
group = 1:ncol(X),
penalty = NULL,
lambda = NULL,
nlambda = 100,
lambdaMinRatio = ifelse(N < p, 0.05, 0.005),
maxit = ifelse(method == "CD", 1000, N * 10),
maxit_inner = 1e+05,
weights = NULL,
eps = 1e-04,
inner_eps = 0.01,
verbose = FALSE,
stepSize = NULL,
stepSizeAdjustment = NULL,
batchSize = 1,
updateFrequency = N,
samplingProbabilities = NULL,
method = c("CD", "GD", "SGD", "SVRG", "SAG"),
trace = c("none", "param", "fVal", "all")
X |
Input matrix; each row is an observation. Can be a matrix or a sparse matrix. |
z |
Response vector representing whether an observation is labeled or unlabeled. |
py1 |
True prevalence Pr(Y=1) |
initial_coef |
A vector representing an initial point where we start PUlasso algorithm from. |
group |
A vector representing grouping of the coefficients. For the least ambiguity, it is recommended if group is provided in the form of vector of consecutive ascending integers. |
penalty |
penalty to be applied to the model. Default is sqrt(group size) for each of the group. |
lambda |
A user supplied sequence of lambda values. If unspecified, the function automatically generates its own lambda sequence based on nlambda and lambdaMinRatio. |
nlambda |
The number of lambda values. |
lambdaMinRatio |
Smallest value for lambda, as a fraction of lambda.max which leads to the intercept only model. |
maxit |
Maximum number of iterations. |
maxit_inner |
Maximum number of iterations for a quadratic sub-problem for CD. |
weights |
observation weights. Default is 1 for each observation. |
eps |
Convergence threshold for the outer loop. The algorithm iterates until the maximum change in coefficients is less than eps in the outer loop. |
inner_eps |
Convergence threshold for the inner loop. The algorithm iterates until the maximum change in coefficients is less than eps in the inner loop. |
verbose |
A logical value. if TRUE, the function prints out the fitting process. |
stepSize |
A step size for gradient-based optimization. if NULL, a step size is taken to be stepSizeAdj/mean(Li) where Li is a Lipschitz constant for ith sample |
stepSizeAdjustment |
A step size adjustment. By default, adjustment is 1 for GD and SGD, 1/8 for SVRG and 1/16 for SAG. |
batchSize |
A batch size. Default is 1. |
updateFrequency |
An update frequency of full gradient for method =="SVRG" |
samplingProbabilities |
sampling probabilities for each of samples for stochastic gradient-based optimization. if NULL, each sample is chosen proportionally to Li. |
method |
Optimization method. Default is Coordinate Descent. CD for Coordinate Descent, GD for Gradient Descent, SGD for Stochastic Gradient Descent, SVRG for Stochastic Variance Reduction Gradient, SAG for Stochastic Averaging Gradient. |
trace |
An option for saving intermediate quantities. All intermediate standardized-scale parameter estimates(trace=="param"), objective function values at each iteration(trace=="fVal"), or both(trace=="all") are saved in optResult. Since this is computationally very heavy, it should be only used for decently small-sized dataset and small maxit. A default is "none". |
coef A p by length(lambda) matrix of coefficients
std_coef A p by length(lambda) matrix of coefficients in a standardized scale
lambda The actual sequence of lambda values used.
nullDev Null deviance defined to be 2*(logLik_sat -logLik_null)
deviance Deviance defined to be 2*(logLik_sat -logLik(model))
optResult A list containing the result of the optimization. fValues, subGradients contain objective function values and subgradient vectors at each lambda value. If trace = TRUE, corresponding intermediate quantities are saved as well.
iters Number of iterations(EM updates) if method = "CD". Number of steps taken otherwise.