FCA2 {PTAk}R Documentation

Correspondence Analysis for 2-way tables


Performs a particular SVDgen data as a ratio Observed/Expected under complete independence with metrics as margins of the contingency table (in frequencies).


 FCA2(X, nbdim =NULL, minpct = 0.01, smoothing = FALSE,
         smoo = rep(list(function(u) ksmooth(1:length(u), u, kernel = "normal",
        bandwidth = 3, x.points = (1:length(u)))$y), length(dim(X))),
      verbose = getOption("verbose"), file = NULL, modesnam = NULL,
    addedcomment = "", chi2 = FALSE, E = NULL, ...)



a matrix table of positive values


a number of dimension to retain, if NULL the default value of maximum possible number of dimensions is kept


numerical 0-100 to control of computation of future solutions at this level and below


see SVDgen


see SVDgen


control printing


output printed at the prompt if NULL, or printed in the given ‘file


character vector of the names of the modes, if NULL "mo 1" ..."mo k"


character string printed if printt after the title of the analysis


print the chi2 information when computing margins in FCAmet


if not NULL is a matrix with the same dimensions as X with the same margins


any other arguments passed to SVDGen or other functions


Gives the SVD-2modes decomposition of the 1+χ2/N1+\chi^2/N of the contingency table of full count N=XijN=\sum X_{ij}, i.e. complete independence + lack of independence (including marginal independences) as shown for example in Lancaster(1951)(see reference in Leibovici(1993 or 2000)). Noting P=X/NP=X/N, a SVD of the (3)(3)-uple is done, that is :

((DI1DJ1)..P,DI,DJ) ((D_I^{-1} \otimes D_J^{-1})..P, \quad D_I, \quad D_J)

where the metrics are diagonals of the corresponding margins. For full description of arguments see PTAk. If E is not NULL an FCAk-modes relatively to a model is done (see Escoufier(1985) and therin reference Escofier(1984) for a 2-way derivation), e.g. for a three way contingency table k=3k=3 the 4-tuple data and metrics is:

((DI1DJ1DK1)(PE),DI,DJ,DK) ((D_I^{-1} \otimes D_J^{-1} \otimes D_K^{-1})(P-E), \quad D_I, \quad D_J, \quad D_K)

If E was the complete independence (product of the margins) then this would give an AFCk but without looking at the marginal dependencies (i.e. for a three way table no two-ways lack of independence are looked for).


a FCA2 (inherits FCAk and PTAk) object


Didier G. Leibovici


Escoufier Y (1985) L'Analyse des correspondances : ses propriétés et ses extensions. ISI 45th session Amsterdam.

Leibovici D(1993) Facteurs à Mesures Répétées et Analyses Factorielles : applications à un suivi Epidémiologique. Université de Montpellier II. PhD Thesis in Mathématiques et Applications (Biostatistiques).

Leibovici D (2000) Multiway Multidimensional Analysis for Pharmaco-EEG Studies.http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/analysis/techrep/tr00dl2/tr00dl2.pdf

Leibovici DG (2010) Spatio-temporal Multiway Decomposition using Principal Tensor Analysis on k-modes:the R package PTAk. Journal of Statistical Software, 34(10), 1-34. doi:10.18637/jss.v034.i10

Leibovici DG and Birkin MH (2013) Simple, multiple and multiway correspondence analysis applied to spatial census-based population microsimulation studies using R. NCRM Working Paper. NCRM-n^o 07/13, Id-3178 https://eprints.ncrm.ac.uk/id/eprint/3178

See Also

PTAk, FCAmet, summary.FCAk


 cri.FCA2 <- FCA2(crimerate)
  plot(cri.FCA2, mod = c(1,2), nb1 = 2, nb2 = 3) # unscaled
  plot(cri.FCA2, mod = c(1,2), nb1 = 2, nb2 = 3, coefi = 
  	list(c(0.130787,0.130787),c(0.104359,0.104359)) )# symmetric-map biplot
 CTR(cri.FCA2, mod = 1, solnbs = 2:4)
 CTR(cri.FCA2, mod = 2, solnbs = 2:4)
 COS2(cri.FCA2, mod = 2, solnbs = 2:4)

[Package PTAk version 2.0.0 Index]