pdist {PST}R Documentation

Compute probabilistic divergence between two PST


Compute probabilistic divergence between two PST


## S4 method for signature 'PSTf,PSTf'
pdist(x,y, method="cp", l, ns=5000, symetric=FALSE, output="all")



a probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


a probabilistic suffix tree, i.e., an object of class "PSTf" as returned by the pstree, prune or tune function.


character. Method for computing distances. So far only one method is available.


integer. Length of the sequence(s) to generate.


integer. Number sequences to generate.


logical. If TRUE, the symetric version of the measure is returned, see details.


character. See value.


The function computes a probabilistic divergence measure between PST SAS_{A} and SBS_{B} based on the measure originally proposed in Juang-1985 and Rabiner-1989 for the comparison of two (hidden) Markov models SAS_{A} and SBS_{B}

d(SA,SB)=1[logPSA(x)logPSB(x)]=1logPSA(x)PSB(x) d(S_{A}, S_{B})=\frac{1}{\ell} [\log P^{S_{A}}(x)-\log P^{S_{B}}(x)]=\frac{1}{\ell}\log \frac{P^{S_{A}}(x)}{P^{S_{B}}(x)}

where x=x1,,xx=x_{1}, \ldots, x_{\ell} is a sequence generated by model SAS_{A}, PSA(x)P^{S_{A}}(x) is the probability of xx given model SAS_{A} and PSB(x)P^{S_{B}}(x) is the probability of xx given model SBS_{B}. The ratio between the two sequence likelihoods measures how many times the sequence xx is more likely to have been generated by SAS_{A} than by S2S_{2}.

As the number nn of generated sequences on which the measure is computed (or the length of a single sequence) approaches infinity, the expected value of d(SA,SB)d(S_{A}, S_{B}) converges to dKL(SA,SB)d_{KL}(S_{A}, S_{B}) Falkhausen-1995, He-2000, the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence (also called information gain) used in information theory to measure the difference between two probability distributions.

The pdist function uses the following procedure to compute the divergence between two PST:

For more details, see Gabadinho 2016.


If ouput="all", a vector containing the divergence value for each generated sequence, if output="mean", the mean, i.e. expected value which is the divergence between models.


Alexis gabadinho


Gabadinho, A. & Ritschard, G. (2016). Analyzing State Sequences with Probabilistic Suffix Trees: The PST R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 72(3), pp. 1-39.

Juang, B. H. and Rabiner, L. R. (1985). A probabilistic distance measure for hidden Markov models. ATT Technical Journal, 64(2), pp. 391-408.

Rabiner, L. R. (1989). A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE, 77(2), pp. 257-286.


## activity calendar for year 2000
## from the Swiss Household Panel
## see ?actcal

## selecting individuals aged 20 to 59
actcal <- actcal[actcal$age00>=20 & actcal$age00 <60,]

## defining a sequence object
actcal.lab <- c("> 37 hours", "19-36 hours", "1-18 hours", "no work")
actcal.seq <- seqdef(actcal,13:24,labels=actcal.lab)

## building a PST segmented by age group
gage10 <- cut(actcal$age00, c(20,30,40,50,60), right=FALSE,
	labels=c("20-29","30-39", "40-49", "50-59"))

actcal.pstg <- pstree(actcal.seq, nmin=2, ymin=0.001, group=gage10)

## pruning
C99 <- qchisq(0.99,4-1)/2
actcal.pstg.opt <- prune(actcal.pstg, gain="G2", C=C99)

## extracting PST for age group 20-39 and 30-39
g1.pst <- subtree(actcal.pstg.opt, group=1)
g2.pst <- subtree(actcal.pstg.opt, group=2)

## generating 5000 sequences with g1.pst 
## and computing 5000 distances
dist.g1_g2 <- pdist(g1.pst, g2.pst, l=11)

## the probabilistic distance is the mean
## of the 5000 distances

[Package PST version 0.94.1 Index]