Analysis of Physiologically Structured Population Models

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Documentation for package ‘PSPManalysis’ version 0.3.9

Help Pages

csbread Reads the state of a structured population model from a CSB file
PSPMclean Deletes on request all files produced by the PSPManalysis package.
PSPMdemo Demographic analysis of a structured population model
PSPMecodyn Ecological dynamics of a structured population model computed using the Escalator Boxcar Train
PSPMequi Bifurcation analysis of a structured population model
PSPMevodyn Evolutionary dynamics for a structured population model computed following the canonical equation
PSPMhelp Opens the PSPManalysis manual
PSPMind Computes the individual life history of a physiologically structured population model in a given environment
showpspm Shows the model definition file of one of the example models provided with PSPManalysis