PSCBS-package | Package PSCBS |
callSegmentationOutliers | Calls/drops single-locus outliers along the genome | | Calls/drops single-locus outliers along the genome |
callSegmentationOutliers.default | Calls/drops single-locus outliers along the genome |
CBS | The CBS class |
dropSegmentationOutliers | Calls/drops single-locus outliers along the genome | | Calls/drops single-locus outliers along the genome |
dropSegmentationOutliers.default | Calls/drops single-locus outliers along the genome |
findLargeGaps | Identifies gaps of a genome where there exist no observations | | Identifies gaps of a genome where there exist no observations |
findLargeGaps.default | Identifies gaps of a genome where there exist no observations |
gapsToSegments | Gets the genomic segments that are complementary to the gaps | | Gets the genomic segments that are complementary to the gaps |
NonPairedPSCBS | The NonPairedPSCBS class |
PairedPSCBS | The PairedPSCBS class |
PSCBS | The PSCBS class |
segmentByCBS | Segment genomic signals using the CBS method |
segmentByCBS.CBS | Segment genomic signals using the CBS method |
segmentByCBS.CNA | Segment genomic signals using the CBS method | | Segment genomic signals using the CBS method |
segmentByCBS.default | Segment genomic signals using the CBS method |
segmentByNonPairedPSCBS | Segment total copy numbers and allele B fractions using the Non-paired PSCBS method | | Segment total copy numbers and allele B fractions using the Non-paired PSCBS method |
segmentByNonPairedPSCBS.default | Segment total copy numbers and allele B fractions using the Non-paired PSCBS method |
segmentByNonPairedPSCBS.PairedPSCBS | Segment total copy numbers and allele B fractions using the Non-paired PSCBS method |
segmentByPairedPSCBS | Segment total copy numbers and allele B fractions using the Paired PSCBS method | | Segment total copy numbers and allele B fractions using the Paired PSCBS method |
segmentByPairedPSCBS.default | Segment total copy numbers and allele B fractions using the Paired PSCBS method |
segmentByPairedPSCBS.PairedPSCBS | Segment total copy numbers and allele B fractions using the Paired PSCBS method |