loess.psa {PSAgraphics} | R Documentation |
Graphic for data and loess-based estimate of effect size after propensity score adjustment
Plots data points using propesity scores vs. the response, separately for treatment and control groups; points are distinguished by both type and color for the two groups. Also shows (non-linear, loess-based) regression curves for both groups. The loess regresion curves are then used to derive an overall estimate of effect size (based on number and/or location of strata as set by the user). Several other statistics are also provided, for both description and inference. Graphic motivated by a suggestion of R. L. Obenchain.
treatment = NULL,
propensity = NULL,
family = "gaussian",
span = 0.7,
degree = 1,
minsize = 5,
xlim = c(0, 1),
colors = c("dark blue", "dark green", "blue", "dark green"),
legend.xy = "topleft",
legend = NULL,
int = 10,
lines = TRUE,
strata.lines = TRUE,
rg = TRUE,
xlab = "Estimated Propensity Scores",
ylab = "Response",
pch = c(16, 1),
response |
Either a numeric vector containing the response of interest in a propensity score analysis, or a three column array containing response, treatment and strata. |
treatment |
Binary variable of same length as |
propensity |
Numeric vector of estimated propensity scores. |
family |
Passed to loess. Either |
span |
Parameter passed to loess governing degree of smoothing. Default = 0.7. |
degree |
Parameter passed to loess governing degree of polynomials used. Default = 1 |
minsize |
Integer. Determines the minimum number of observations in each stratum treatment group allowed. If one of the treatment groups in a given statum does not meet this minsize, then all observations in this stratum are ignored as far as the effect size calculation is concerned. |
xlim |
Binary vector |
colors |
List of four colors used for control points, treatment points,
control loess line, treatment loess line respectively. Default =
legend.xy |
Coordinates for legend box, see |
legend |
Binary character vector containing the text of the legend.
Default is taken from |
int |
Integer or ordered vector. If an integer is used, it represents the maximum number of equally sized strata. Alternatively, it may be a vector of cuts of the unit interval. Lower and upper ends need not be included. See examples. Default = 10. |
lines |
Logical; fitted loess values are plotted by default as points. If true, values are plotted as two lines. |
strata.lines |
Logical; default = |
rg |
Logical; if |
xlab |
X axis label, default = |
ylab |
Y axis label, default = |
pch |
Character types for plotted points, default = |
... |
Optional parameters passed to points command. |
In addition to the plot, the function returns a list with the following components:
Estimated effect size based upon (number
of) strata defined by |
se.wtd |
Weighted standard error based on pooling of within-strata variance estimates. |
CI.95 |
Approximate 95% confidence interval for the overall effect
size (conditional on the specification of |
summary.strata |
A table with rows corresponding to strata; first two columns show counts (by statum) for both control and treatment; followed by mean differences for all strata. for control and treatment, followed by mean differences for all strata. The weighted average difference yields the effect size noted above. |
James E. Helmreich James.Helmreich@Marist.edu
Robert M. Pruzek RMPruzek@yahoo.com
See Also
#Artificial example where ATE should be 1 over all of (0,1).
response1 <- c(rep(1, 100), rep(2, 100), rep(3, 100)) + rnorm(300, 0, .5)
response0 <- c(rep(0, 100), rep(1, 100), rep(2, 100)) + rnorm(300, 0, .5)
response <- c(response1, response0)
treatment <- c(rep(1, 300), rep(0, 300))
propensity <- rep(seq(.01, .99, (.98/299)), 2)
a <- data.frame(response, treatment, propensity)
loess.psa(a, span = .15, degree = 1, int = c(0, .33, .67, 1))
#Artificial example where estimates are unstable with varying
#numbers of strata. Note: sometimes get empty treatment/strata error.
rr <- c(rnorm(150, 3, .75), rnorm(700, 0, .75), rnorm(150, 3, .75),
rnorm(150, -3, .75), rnorm(700, 0, .75), rnorm(150, -3, .75))
tt <- c(rep(1, 1000),rep(0, 1000))
pp <- NULL
for(i in 1:1000){pp <- c(pp, rnorm(1, 0, .05) + .00045*i + .25)}
for(i in 1:1000){pp <- c(pp, rnorm(1, 0, .05) + .00045*i + .4)}
a <- data.frame(rr, tt, pp)
loess.psa(a, span=.5, cex = .6)
#Using strata of possible interest as determined by loess lines.
lindner.ps <- glm(abcix ~ stent + height + female +
diabetic + acutemi + ejecfrac + ves1proc,
data = lindner, family = binomial)
loess.psa(log(cardbill), abcix, lindner.ps$fitted,
int = c(.37, .56, .87, 1), lines = TRUE)
abline(v=c(.37, 56, .87))