PReMiuM-package |
Dirichlet Process Bayesian Clustering |
calcAvgRiskAndProfile |
Calculation of the average risks and profiles |
calcDissimilarityMatrix |
Calculates the dissimilarity matrix |
calcOptimalClustering |
Calculation of the optimal clustering |
calcPredictions |
Calculates the predictions |
clusSummaryBernoulliDiscrete |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryBernoulliDiscreteSmall |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryBernoulliMixed |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryBernoulliNormal |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryBinomialNormal |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryCategoricalDiscrete |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryGammaNormal |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryNormalDiscrete |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryNormalNormal |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryNormalNormalSpatial |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryPoissonDiscrete |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryPoissonNormal |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryPoissonNormalSpatial |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryQuantileNormal |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryVarSelectBernoulliDiscrete |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
clusSummaryWeibullDiscrete |
Sample datasets for profile regression |
computeRatioOfVariance |
computeRatioOfVariance |
generateSampleDataFile |
Generate sample data files for profile regression |
globalParsTrace |
Plot of the trace of some of the global parameters |
heatDissMat |
Plot the heatmap of the dissimilarity matrix |
is.wholenumber |
Function to check if a number is a whole number |
mapforGeneratedData |
Map generated data |
margModelPosterior |
Marginal Model Posterior |
plotPredictions |
Plot the conditional density using the predicted scenarios |
plotRiskProfile |
Plot the Risk Profiles |
PReMiuM |
Dirichlet Process Bayesian Clustering |
PReMiuMpackage |
Dirichlet Process Bayesian Clustering |
profRegr |
Profile Regression |
qALD |
Asymmetric Laplace Distribution |
rALD |
Asymmetric Laplace Distribution |
setHyperparams |
Definition of characteristics of sample datasets for profile regression |
simBenchmark |
Benchmark for simulated examples |
summariseVarSelectRho |
summariseVarSelectRho |
vec2mat |
Vector to upper triangular matrix |