Tools to Score Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) and Other Psychometric Measures

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Documentation for package ‘PROscorerTools’ version 0.0.4

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PROscorerTools-package PROscorerTools
chkstop_nitems Checks the number and values of items passed to custom scoring functions
chkstop_values Checks the number and values of items passed to custom scoring functions
chk_nitems Checks the number and values of items passed to custom scoring functions
chk_values Checks the number and values of items passed to custom scoring functions
get_dfItems Get a data frame with only items from user input
get_dfItemsrev Get a data frame with only items from user input
makeFakeData Make a data frame of fake item data
makeItemNames Quickly create a vector of sequentially numbered item names
missTally Determine the number (or proportion) of missing (or non-missing) items for each respondent
msgWrap msgWrap
PROscorerTools PROscorerTools
rerange Change the range of an item or score
rerange100 Change the range of an item or score
revcode Reverse code an item or score.
scoreScale Flexible function to score a single PRO or other psychometric scale