pp_amt {PP} | R Documentation |
Adaptive Matrices Test data
This dataset contains real data from the 'Adaptive Matrices Test' (AMT), which is a computer-administered test. This power test assesses logical reasoning as an indicator of general intelligence. The ability to identify regularities and draw logical conclusions is a very good predictor of long-term success at work. The dataset is sparse, because the test tailores a specific set of items for each examinee's ability level. (More information about adaptive testing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computerized_adaptive_testing)
A list with two data.frames. The first data.frame 'daten_amt' contains 298 columns and 710 rows. Each row contains responses from on examinee. The second data.frame 'betas' contains the difficulty parameter (1PL) (These parameters came with the raw-score extraction.).
The data are provided from the Unitersity of Vienna, Faculty of Psychology, Department of Psychological Assessment. Thanks to Schuhfried https://marketplace.schuhfried.com/de/AMT.
Division of Psychological Assessment and Applied Psychometrics, Fakulty of Psychology, University of Vienna
ID: id of person
AGE: age in years (with ages below 18 and above 34 are collapsed)
TE: self-assessment. To pass a psychological assessment course, the students have to complete several hours self assessment on a bunch of tests, to get familiar with them.
GA: testing for an assessment report. The students also have to test other people (not psychologists nor psychology students) in order to write an assessment report.
FORM: There are several different versions of this test, which differ in test length, duration etc ...
TIME1: start time
TIME2: end time
REL: reliability for each person
i: items
Hornke, L. F., Etzel, S., & Rettig, K. (2003). Manual Adaptive Matrices Test (AMT). Moedling: SCHUHFRIED GmbH.