Partially Ordered Sets in R

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Documentation for package ‘POSetR’ version 1.1.4

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POSetR-package Partially Ordered Sets in R
%it% Intersection of two posets
%po% Product order between two posets
antiChain Generate an anti-chain from a vector of elements' labels
C++Object-class Generates a Partially Ordered SET from the list of dominances
chain Generate a complete order from a vector of elements' labels
coverMatrix Poset cover matrix
coverMatrix.poset Poset cover matrix
incidenceMatrix Poset incidence matrix
incidenceMatrix.poset Poset incidence matrix
intersection Intersection of two posets
LEapply Applies scalar functions over the set of linear extensions of a poset and returns the corresponding average values
LEapply.poset Applies scalar functions over the set of linear extensions of a poset and returns the corresponding average values
plot.poset Plotting the Hasse diagram of a poset
pointerRebuild Generates a Partially Ordered SET from the list of dominances
POSet Generates a Partially Ordered SET from the list of dominances
poset Generates a Partially Ordered SET from the list of dominances
poset-class Generates a Partially Ordered SET from the list of dominances
POSetR Generates a Partially Ordered SET from the list of dominances
poset_from_dataframe Generates a Partially Ordered SET from a data frame through the component-wise comparability relation
poset_from_igraph Generates a Partially Ordered SET from a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
poset_from_incidence Generates a Partially Ordered SET from an incidence matrix
print.poset Method for the print function that shows the poset elements and comparabilities
print.summary_poset Method for the print function that shows the poset summary
productOrder Product order between two posets
Rcpp_POSet-class Generates a Partially Ordered SET from the list of dominances
summary.poset Poset summary