sim {POSSA}R Documentation

Simulation procedure


This function performs the simulation procedure in order to get the p values that will eventually serve for power calculations (via pow). The observation values ("sample") to be tested are simulated via the given fun_obs function, and the significance testing is performed via the given fun_test function. The numbers of observations per look (for a sequential design) are specified in n_obs.


  n_iter = 45000,
  adjust_n = 1,
  seed = 8,
  pair = NULL,
  ignore_suffix = FALSE,
  prog_bar = FALSE,
  hush = FALSE



A function that creates the observations (i.e., the "sample"; all values for the dependent variable(s)). The respective maximum observation number(s), given in n_obs, will be passed to the fun_obs. For this, the returned value must be a named list, where the names correspond exactly to the arguments in fun_test. In case of sequential testing, the observations returned by fun_obs will be reduced to the specified (smaller) number(s) of observations for each given interim "look" (as a simulation for what would happen if collection was stopped at that given look), to be used in fun_test. Optionally, the fun_obs can be passed additional arguments (via a list); see Details.


A numeric vector or a named list of numeric vectors. Specifies the numbers of observations (i.e., samples sizes) that are to be generated by fun_obs and then tested in fun_test. If a single vector is given, this will be used for all observation number arguments in the fun_obs and for the sample size adjustments for the arguments in the fun_test functions. Otherwise, if a named list of numeric vectors is given, the names must correspond exactly to the argument names in fun_obs and fun_test, so that the respective numeric vectors are used for each given sample variable. For convenience, in case of a "_h" suffix, the variable will be divided into names with "_h0" and "_h1" suffixes for fun_test (but not for fun_obs); see Details.


The function for significance testing. The list of samples returned by fun_obs (with observation numbers specified in n_obs) will be passed into this fun_test function as arguments, to be used in the given statistical significance tests in this function. To correctly calculate the sample sizes in POSSA::pow, the argument names for the sample that varies depending on whether the null (H0) and alternative (H1) hypothesis is true should be indicated with "_h0" and "_h1" suffixes, respectively, with a common root (so, e.g., "var_x_h0" and "var_x_h1"). Then, in the resulting data.frame, their sample size (which must always be identical) will be automatically merged into a single column with a trimmed "_h" suffix (e.g., "var_x_h"). (Otherwise, the sample sizes of both H0 and H1 would be calculated toward the total expected sample in either case, which is of course incorrect. There are internal checks to prevent this, but the intended total sample size can also be double-checked in the returned data.frame's .n_total column.) Within-subject observations, i.e., multiple observations per group, should be specified with "GRP" prefix for a single group (e.g., simply "GRP", or "GRP_mytest") and, for multiple groups, "grp_" prefix with a following group name (e.g., "grp_1" or "grp_alpha"); the numbers of multiple observations in each group can then be specified in fun_obs via their group name (since the respective numbers of observations should always be the same anyway); see Examples. To be recognized by the POSSA::pow function, the fun_test must return a named vector including a pair (or pairs) of p values for H0 and H1 outcomes, where each p value's name must be specified with a "p_" prefix and a "_h0" suffix for H0 outcome or a "_h1" suffix for H1 outcome (e.g., p_h0, p_h1; p_ttest_h0, p_ttest_h1). The simulated outcomes (per iteration) for each of these p values will be separately stored in a dedicated column of the data.frame returned by the sim function. Optionally, the fun_test can return other miscellaneous outcomes too, such as effect sizes or confidence interval limits; these will then be stored in dedicated columns in the resulting data.frame.


Number of iterations (default: 45000).


Adjust total number of observations via simple multiplication. Might be useful in some specific cases, e.g. if for some reason multiple p values are derived from the same sample without specifying grouping (GRP or grp_ in fun_test), which would then lead to incorrect (too many, multiplied) totals; for example, in case of four observations obtained from the same sample, the value 1/4 could be given. (The default value is 1.)


Number for set.seed; 8 by default. Set to NULL for random seed.


Logical or NULL. By default NULL, the algorithm assumes paired samples included among the observations in case of any grouping via the fun_test parameters ("GRP"/"grp"), and no paired samples otherwise. In case of paired samples included, within each look, the same vector indexes to remove elements from the given observations. In general, this should not substantially affect the outcomes of independent samples (assuming that their order is truly independent), but this depends on how the random samples are generated in the fun_obs function. To be safe and avoid any potential bias, it is best to avoid this paired sampling mechanism when no paired samples are included. To override the default, set to TRUE for paired samples scenario (paired sampling), or to FALSE for no paired samples scenario (random subsampling of each sample). (Might be useful for testing or some very specific procedures, e.g. where grouping is not indicated despite paired samples.)


Set to NULL to give warnings instead of errors for internally detected consistency problems with the _h0/_h1 suffixes in the fun_test function arguments. Set to TRUE to completely ignore these (neither error nor warning). (Might be useful for testing or some very specific procedures.)


Logical, FALSE by default. If TRUE, shows progress bar.


Logical, FALSE by default. If TRUE, prevents printing any details to console.


To specify a variable that differs depending on whether the null hypothesis ("H0") or the alternative hypothesis ("H1") is true, a pair of samples are needed for fun_test, for which the argument names should have an identical root and "_h0" and "_h1" endings, such as "var_x_h0" (for sample in case of H0) and "var_x_h1" (for sample in case of H1). Then, since the observation number for this pair will always be the same, as a convenience, parameters with "_h0" and "_h1" endings specifically can be specified together in n_obs with the last "0"/"1" character dropped, hence ending with "_h". So, for example, "var_x_h = c(30, 60, 90)" will be automatically adjusted to specify the observation numbers for both "var_x_h0" and "var_x_h1". In that case, fun_obs must have a single argument "var_x_h", while fun_test must have both full names as arguments ("var_x_h0" and "var_x_h1").

Optionally, fun_obs can be provided in list format for the convenience of exploring varying factors (e.g., different effect sizes, correlations) at once, without writing a dedicated fun_obs function for each combination, and each time separately running the simulation and the power calculation. In this case, the first element of the list must be the actual function, which contains certain parameters for specifying varying factors, while the rest of the elements should contain the various argument values for these parameters of the function as named elements of the list (e.g., list(my_function, factor1=c(1, 2, 3), factor2=c(0, 5))), with the name corresponding to the parameter name in the function, and the varying values (numbers or strings). When so specified, a separate simulation procedure will be run for each combination of the given factors (or, if only one factor is given, for each element of that factor). The POSSA::pow function will be able to automatically detect (by default) the factors generated this way in the present POSSA::sim function, in order to calculate power separately for each factor combination.


Returns a data.frame (with class "possa_sim_df") that includes the columns .iter (the iterations of the simulation procedure numbered from 1 to n_iter), .look (the interim "looks" numbered from 1 to the maximum number of looks, including the final one), and the information returned by the fun_test function for H0 and H1 outcomes (mainly p values; but also other, optional information, if any) and the corresponding observation numbers, as well as the total observation number per each look under a dedicated .n_total column. When this data frame is printed to the console (via POSSA's print() method), the head (first few lines) of the data is shown, as well as, in case of any varying factors included, summary information per factor combination.


For the replicability (despite the randomization), set.seed is executed in the beginning of this function, each time it is called; see the seed parameter.

See Also



# below is a (very) minimal example
# for more, see the vignettes via

# create sampling function
customSample = function(sampleSize) {
        sample1 = rnorm(sampleSize, mean = 0, sd = 10),
        sample2_h0 = rnorm(sampleSize, mean = 0, sd = 10),
        sample2_h1 = rnorm(sampleSize, mean = 5, sd = 10)

# create testing function
customTest = function(sample1, sample2_h0, sample2_h1) {
   p_h0 = t.test(sample1, sample2_h0, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value,
   p_h1 = t.test(sample1, sample2_h1, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value

# run simulation
dfPvals = sim(
    fun_obs = customSample,
    n_obs = 80,
    fun_test = customTest,
    n_iter = 1000

# get power info

[Package POSSA version 0.6.4 Index]