Identify Prognosis-Related Pathways Altered by Somatic Mutation

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Documentation for package ‘PMAPscore’ version 0.1.1

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final_signature final_signature, the final prognosis-related pathways
gene_symbol_Entrez gene_symbol_Entrez, the genes' symbol and ENTREZID
gene_Ucox gene_Ucox
gene_Ucox_res gene_Ucox_res, the univariate Cox regression result of candidate genes.
get_Entrez_ID Convert gene symbol to Entrez_Gene_ID
get_final_signature Identify the candidate prognosis-related pathways
get_km_survival_curve Plot Kaplan-Meier survival curve.
get_MultivariateCox_result Perform the multivariate Cox regression
get_mut_status Converts MAF file into mutation matrix
get_Oncoplots draw an GenePathwayOncoplots
get_pfs_score Calculates the pathway-based mutation accumulate perturbation score
get_response_plot Plot the response column diagram
get_risk_score Calculates the risk score for patients
get_roc_curve Plot the ROC curve
get_sam_cla get_sam_cla
get_univarCox_result Perform the univariate Cox regression analysis.
km_data km_data
maffile maffile
maf_data maf_data
mut_num mut_num
mut_sam mut_sam
mut_sample mut_sample
mut_status mut_status
newspia newspia
path_cox_data path_cox_data
path_gene path_gene
path_Ucox_mul path_Ucox_mul
path_Ucox_mul_res path_Ucox_mul_res
pfs_score pfs_score
response response
roc_data roc_data, the data frame use for ploting ROC curve
sig sig
sur sur
symbol_Entrez symbol_Entrez