plrm.gof {PLRModels}R Documentation

Goodness-of-Fit tests in PLR models


From a sample (Yi,Xi1,...,Xip,ti):i=1,...,n{(Y_i, X_{i1}, ..., X_{ip}, t_i): i=1,...,n}, this routine tests the null hypotheses H0:β=β0H_0: \beta=\beta_0 and H0:m=m0H_0: m=m_0, where:

β=(β1,...,βp)\beta = (\beta_1,...,\beta_p)

is an unknown vector parameter,


is a smooth but unknown function and

Yi=Xi1β1+...+Xipβp+m(ti)+ϵi.Y_i= X_{i1}*\beta_1 +...+ X_{ip}*\beta_p + m(t_i) + \epsilon_i.

Fixed equally spaced design is considered for the "nonparametric" explanatory variable, tt, and the random errors, ϵi\epsilon_i, are allowed to be time series. The test statistic used for testing H0:β=β0H0: \beta = \beta_0 derives from the asymptotic normality of an estimator of β\beta based on both ordinary least squares and kernel smoothing (this result giving a χ2\chi^2-test). The test statistic used for testing H0:m=m0H0: m = m_0 derives from a Cramer-von-Mises-type functional distance between a nonparametric estimator of mm and m0m_0.


plrm.gof(data = data, beta0 = NULL, m0 = NULL, b.seq = NULL, 
h.seq = NULL, w = NULL, estimator = "NW", kernel = "quadratic", 
time.series = FALSE, Var.Cov.eps = NULL, Tau.eps = NULL, 
b0 = NULL, h0 = NULL, lag.max = 50, p.max = 3, q.max = 3, 
ic = "BIC", = 10, alpha = 0.05)



data[,1] contains the values of the response variable, YY;

data[, 2:(p+1)] contains the values of the "linear" explanatory variables

X1,...XpX_1, ... X_p;

data[, p+2] contains the values of the "nonparametric" explanatory variable, tt.


the considered parameter vector in the parametric null hypothesis. If NULL (the default), the zero vector is considered.


the considered function in the nonparametric null hypothesis. If NULL (the default), the zero function is considered.


the statistic test for H0:β=β0H0: \beta=\beta_0 is performed using each bandwidth in the vector b.seq. If NULL (the default) but h.seq is not NULL, it takes b.seq=h.seq. If both b.seq and h.seq are NULL, 10 equidistant values between zero and a quarter of the range of ti{t_i} are considered.


the statistic test for H0:m=m0H0: m=m_0 is performed using each pair of bandwidths (b.seq[j], h.seq[j]). If NULL (the default) but b.seq is not NULL, it takes h.seq=b.seq. If both b.seq and h.seq are NULL, 10 equidistant values between zero and a quarter of the range of ti{t_i} are considered for both b.seq and h.seq.


support interval of the weigth function in the test statistic for H0:m=m0H0: m = m_0. If NULL (the default), (q0.1,q0.9)(q_{0.1}, q_{0.9}) is considered, where qpq_p denotes the quantile of order pp of ti{t_i}.


allows us the choice between “NW” (Nadaraya-Watson) or “LLP” (Local Linear Polynomial). The default is “NW”.


allows us the choice between “gaussian”, “quadratic” (Epanechnikov kernel), “triweight” or “uniform” kernel. The default is “quadratic”.


it denotes whether the data are independent (FALSE) or if data is a time series (TRUE). The default is FALSE.


n x n matrix of variances-covariances associated to the random errors of the regression model. If NULL (the default), the function tries to estimate it: it fits an ARMA model (selected according to an information criterium) to the residuals from the fitted regression model and, then, it obtains the var-cov matrix of such ARMA model.


it contains the sum of autocovariances associated to the random errors of the regression model. If NULL (the default), the function tries to estimate it: it fits an ARMA model (selected according to an information criterium) to the residuals from the fitted regression model and, then, it obtains the sum of the autocovariances of such ARMA model.


if Var.Cov.eps=NULL and/or Tau.eps=NULL, b0 contains the pilot bandwidth for the estimator of β\beta used for obtaining the residuals to construct the default for Var.Cov.eps and/or Tau.eps. If NULL (the default) but h0 is not NULL, it takes b0=h0. If both b0 and h0 are NULL, a quarter of the range of ti{t_i} is considered.


if Var.Cov.eps=NULL and/or Tau.eps=NULL, (b0, h0) contains the pair of pilot bandwidths for the estimator of mm used for obtaining the residuals to construct the default for Var.Cov.eps and/or Tau.eps. If NULL (the default) but b0 is not NULL, it takes h0=b0. If both b0 and h0 are NULL, a quarter of the range of ti{t_i} is considered for both b0 and h0.


if Tau.eps=NULL, lag.max contains the maximum delay used to construct the default for Tau.eps. The default is 50.


if Var.Cov.eps=NULL and/or Tau.eps=NULL, the ARMA model is selected between the models ARMA(p,q) with 0<=p<=p.max and 0<=q<=q.max. The default is 3.


if Var.Cov.eps=NULL and/or Tau.eps=NULL, the ARMA model is selected between the models ARMA(p,q) with 0<=p<=p.max and 0<=q<=q.max. The default is 3.


if Var.Cov.eps=NULL and/or Tau.eps=NULL, ic contains the information criterion used to suggest the ARMA model. It allows us to choose between: "AIC", "AICC" or "BIC" (the default).

if Var.Cov.eps=NULL and/or Tau.eps=NULL, it checks the suitability of the selected ARMA model according to the Ljung-Box test and the t-test. It uses up to delays in the Ljung-Box test. The default is 10.


if Var.Cov.eps=NULL and/or Tau.eps=NULL, alpha contains the significance level which the ARMA model is checked. The default is 0.05.


A weight function (specifically, the indicator function 1[w[1],w[2]]_{[w[1] , w[2]]}) is introduced in the test statistic for testing H0:m=m0H0: m = m_0 to allow elimination (or at least significant reduction) of boundary effects from the estimate of m(ti)m(t_i).

If Var.Cov.eps=NULL and the routine is not able to suggest an approximation for Var.Cov.eps, it warns the user with a message saying that the model could be not appropriate and then it shows the results. In order to construct Var.Cov.eps, the procedure suggested in Aneiros-Perez and Vieu (2013) can be followed.

If Tau.eps=NULL and the routine is not able to suggest an approximation for Tau.eps, it warns the user with a message saying that the model could be not appropriate and then it shows the results. In order to construct Tau.eps, the procedures suggested in Aneiros-Perez (2008) can be followed.

The implemented procedures generalize those ones in expressions (9) and (10) in Gonzalez-Manteiga and Aneiros-Perez (2003) by allowing some dependence condition in (Xi1,...,Xip):i=1,...,n{(X_{i1}, ..., X_{ip}): i=1,...,n} and including a weight function (see above), respectively.


A list with two dataframes:


a dataframe containing the bandwidths, the statistics and the p-values when one tests H0:β=β0H0: \beta = \beta_0


a dataframe containing the bandwidths b and h, the statistics, the normalised statistics and the p-values when one tests H0:m=m0H0: m = m_0

Moreover, if data is a time series and Tau.eps or Var.Cov.eps are not especified:


p-values of the Ljung-Box test for the model fitted to the residuals.


p-values of the t.test for the model fitted to the residuals.

ARMA orders for the model fitted to the residuals.


German Aneiros Perez

Ana Lopez Cheda


Aneiros-Perez, G. (2008) Semi-parametric analysis of covariance under dependence conditions within each group. Aust. N. Z. J. Stat. 50, 97-123.

Aneiros-Perez, G., Gonzalez-Manteiga, W. and Vieu, P. (2004) Estimation and testing in a partial linear regression under long-memory dependence. Bernoulli 10, 49-78.

Aneiros-Perez, G. and Vieu, P. (2013) Testing linearity in semi-parametric functional data analysis. Comput. Stat. 28, 413-434.

Gao, J. (1997) Adaptive parametric test in a semiparametric regression model. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 26, 787-800.

Gonzalez-Manteiga, W. and Aneiros-Perez, G. (2003) Testing in partial linear regression models with dependent errors. J. Nonparametr. Statist. 15, 93-111.

See Also

Other related functions are plrm.est, par.gof and np.gof.


data <- as.matrix(barnacles1)
data <- diff(data, 12)
data <- cbind(data,1:nrow(data))

plrm.gof(data, beta0=c(-0.1, 0.35))

## Example 2a: dependent data

# We generate the data
n <- 100
t <- ((1:n)-0.5)/n
beta <- c(0.05, 0.01)
m <- function(t) {0.25*t*(1-t)}
f <- m(t)
f.function <- function(u) {0.25*u*(1-u)}

x <- matrix(rnorm(200,0,1), nrow=n)
sum <- x%*%beta
epsilon <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1,0,0), ar=0.7), sd = 0.01, n = n)
y <-  sum + f + epsilon
data <- cbind(y,x,t)

## Example 2a.1: true null hypotheses
plrm.gof(data, beta0=c(0.05, 0.01), m0=f.function, time.series=TRUE)

## Example 2a.2: false null hypotheses
plrm.gof(data, time.series=TRUE)

[Package PLRModels version 1.4 Index]