GarlandJanis.varcov {PHYLOGR} | R Documentation |
Phylogenetic variance-covariance matrix for Garland \& Janis (1993).
Phylogenetic variance-covariance matrix for the species in Garland \& Janis (1993). Note that the phylogeny is not exactly the same as in Garland \& Janis (1993), but actually corresponds to the more recent phylogeny in Garland et al. (1993).
A matrix with the phylogenetic distance between species; every entry dij is the sum of branch segment lengths that species i and j share in common.
Garland, T. Jr., and Janis, C. M. (1993). Does metatarsal/femur ratio predict maximal running speed in cursorial mammals? J. Zoology, London, 229, 133–151.
Garland, T. Jr., Dickerman, A. W., Janis, C. M., Jones, J. A. (1993) Phylogenetic analysis of covariance by computer simulation. Systematic Biology, 42, 265–292.
See Also
, GarlandJanis.IC
## What do the data look like
## An example of a GLS fit
fit.gls.GJ <- with(GarlandJanis.Original,,hind.l.length),
running.speed, GarlandJanis.varcov)
summary(fit.gls.GJ) # summary of the gls model; same as with IC
## Not run:
# This data set can be obtained from the original dsc file as:
GarlandJanis.varcov <- read.phylog.matrix("49ms.dsc")
## End(Not run)
[Package PHYLOGR version 1.0.11 Index]